====== Movement Tree ====== The Movement Tree provides a list of all available [[object:volume|Volume]] movements, organized in the hierarchy of Server, [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media Type]], Receiving [[object:repository|Repository]] and/or Sending [[object:repository|Repository]]. Any [[object:customer|Customers]] with [[object:volume|Volumes]] moving to a [[object:repository|Repository]] with the ''[[master:repository_options|Do not slot]]'' option set to ''True'' will display with a purple background (eg. US03). {{checkpoint.png}} ===== Build/Update Movement Tree ===== When you first [[desktop:logon_window|login]] to Checkpoint all current movement data will be automatically loaded into the Movement Tree. As new movements can be added to TapeTrack at any time it is advisable to refresh or reload the data in the Movement Tree periodically to ensure displayed [[object:volume|Volumes]] are up to date. Updating the Movement Tree will clear any [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the **To Scan** window To refresh the Movement Tree select, from the Main Menu, ''Process'' -> ''Build/Update Movement Tree''. {{refresh_tree_main.gif}} Refreshing the Movement Tree can also be achieved by: Right clicking any [[object:customer|Customer]] and selecting ''Rebuild''. {{rebuild_tree.gif}} Pressing F5 while Movement Tree in focus. After you exceed the time threshold Checkpoint will automatically prompt you to refresh the Movement Tree when adding [[object:volume|Volumes]] to the **To Scan** window. {{checkpoint_rebuild_tree_warning.png}} Updating the Movement Tree will clear any [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the **To Scan** window <- checkpoint:login|Logging In ^ checkpoint:starting|Getting Started ^ checkpoint:pick|Pick (Send) ->