====== Pick (Send) ====== The process of picking is removing the [[object:volume|Volumes]] from their respective storage Slots for the purpose transit from the Current [[object:repository|Repository]] to the Target [[object:repository|Repository]]. The ''Pick'' Option in the Toolbar will set the **Start Scan** operation to Pick Mode. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick.png}} There are three options that Pick Mode can operate in: * **Pick (Default)**: When the ''Pick in Volser Order'' option is not selected, the Speech Subsystem will announce the [[object:volume|Volumes]] to be picked in the order of their Slot Number. Scanning Volsers out of order will raise an error and be listed in the Errors Tab. * **Pick in Volser Order**: When the ''Pick in Volser Order'' option is selected, the Speech Subsystem will announce the [[object:volume|Volumes]] to be picked in the order of their [[object:volume|Volumes-ID's]]. Scanning Volsers out of order will raise an error and be listed in the Errors Tab. * **Pick out of sequence**: When the ''Pick out of sequence'' option is selected, [[object:volume|Volumes]] can be scanned in any order without receiving an Error in the Errors Tab. The Speech Subsystem will still announce [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the order set by the Pick in Volser Order Tick box. If Checkpoint has been open for a while it is best practice to refresh the information against the server by right-clicking on a customer in the customer tree and selecting ''Rebuild'' or pressing F5. Please note that refreshing the information will clear the To Scan tab. ===== Adding Volumes ===== Add required [[object:volume|Volumes]] to the Scan In window by right-clicking either/or: * [[object:customer|Customer]] - to add all [[object:media|Media]] in a move status. * [[object:media|Media Type]] - to add all [[object:volume|Volumes]] in a move status of that [[object:media|Media Type]]. * [[object:repository|Repository]] - to add all [[object:volume|Volumes]] in a move status from that [[object:repository|Repository]]. * Target [[object:repository|Repository]] - to add all [[object:volume|Volumes]] moving from the Current [[object:repository|Repository]] to the Target [[object:repository|Repository]]. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_add.png}} Select required [[object:volume|Volumes]] , based on movement direction, from the **Add Filters** window by checking the boxes and clicking ''OK''. If any [[object:volume|Volumes]] are added by error, select from the Main Menu ''Process''->''Special Operations''->''Clear Selected'' to remove all [[object:volume|Volumes]]. Add new selection of [[object:volume|Volumes]] by following the previous steps. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_add_clear.png}} ===== Scan Volumes ===== Once all required [[object:volume|Volumes]] have been added to the **To Scan** window, from the Main Menu select ''Process''->''Start Scan'' to initiate the **Scan** window. During Pick Mode, the Speech Subsystem will announce either: * Mode 0 : [[object:volume|Volumes]] only. \\ Reads out the Volume location Shelf and Slot, the Volume is then scanned to move to the next listing * Mode 1 : Zone and [[object:volume|Volumes]]. \\ Reads out Zone. Once Zone is scanned, reads out the Volume location Shelf and Slot, the Volume is then scanned to move to the next listing * Mode 2 : Zone, Slot and [[object:volume|Volumes]]. \\ Reads out Zone. Once Zone is scanned, reads out the Slot number, the Volume is then scanned to move to the next listing. Use the Speech Subsystem to audibly announce the Volume, this allows the operator to use headphones or speaker to quickly access the Volumes required withou have to refer to a computer screen or report. Set the mode required by entering the mode control character (0, 1 or 2). {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_scan_mode.png?700}} Pick and scan the [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the order read out by Checkpoint's Speech System. When a Container is scanned in the operation, the Container will appear as the Current Container below the Pick Mode options. [[object:volume|Volumes]] scanned during the Scan operation in Pick Mode will be assigned to the Container set in the Current Container field. Once [[object:volume|Volumes]] have been scanned, close the **Scan** window. If [[checkpoint:receipts|physical delivery receipts]] are required, [[checkpoint:receipts|print]] these before updating server. ===== Update Server ===== From the main menu, select ''Process''->''Update Server'' to push the data up to the server. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_update_server.png}} Any errors from scanning (e.g. scanned incorrect [[object:volume|Volume]] or had wrong [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] in default field in scan window) will be presented. Click ''Clear Warning'' to remove the errors and update the server. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_update_server_messages.png}} Click ''OK'' to the popup to confirm the Server update. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_update_server_messages_confirm.png}} Clicking ''Abort Server Update'' will exit from the update Server Process and return you to the previous window. {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_pick_update_server_abort.png}} <- checkpoint:build| Movement Tree ^ checkpoint:starting|Getting Started ^ checkpoint:query|Query (Scanning In) ->