====== System Requirements ====== ===== Prerequisite Software ===== There is no prerequisite software required to install and run the TapeTrack Checkpoint software; however, it must [[general:framework_connection#tapetrack-desktop-programs|connect to an existing TapeTrack Server]]. ===== Recommended Configuration ===== TapeTrack Lite must have a network connection to a [[general:framework_connection#tapetrack-desktop-programs|TapeTrack Framework Server]]. The requirements for the TapeTrack Lite are minimal, but the following minimum configuration is recommended: * Windows XP or above. * 1 GB of RAM. * 20 MB of additional storage. * Gigabyte Ethernet ===== Virtualization Support ===== The TapeTrack Checkpoint software runs without issue in a virtualization environment and is regularly deployed under: * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMware_ESXi|VMWare ESX]]. * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-V|Windows Hyper-V]]. * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xen|Xen]]. <- ^ desktop:checkpoint|Introduction ^ checkpoint:downloading|Downloading ->