====== Command Line HTTP Proxy Setup ====== TapeTrack Command Line programs can be configured to send requests via a HTTP Proxy through the use of the [[variable:tmssserverproxy|TMSSSERVERPROXY]] environmental variable. Support for HTTP tunneling includes support for basic HTTP authentication. Support for Kerberos authentication is not currently supported. When troubleshooting HTTP Proxy connections, you should consider using the [[variable:tmssapilogdir|TMSSAPLILOGDIR]] environmental variable. C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop>set TMSSSERVERPROXY= C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop>set TMSSAPILOGDIR=C:\Users\jsmith.GAZILLABYTE\Desktop C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop>TMSS10Ping -P 443 databank.tapetrack.com 44 bytes from seq=1 time=371.00 ms 44 bytes from seq=2 time=308.00 ms 44 bytes from seq=3 time=292.00 ms 44 bytes from seq=4 time=321.00 ms --- databank.tapetrack.com TMSS10Ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted round-trip min/avg/max = 0.00/323.00/371.00 ms 19:12:28: TMSS10API_Init (API Version=Feb 2 2017 10:18:50) 19:12:28: TMSS10API_ConnectViaProxy ESPTCPClient_ConnectViaProxy: CONNECT databank.tapetrack.com:443 HTTP/1.0 host: databank.tapetrack.com:443 ESPTCPClient_ConnectViaProxy: HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established 19:12:28: TMSS10API_ConnectViaProxy: Connection to server ( successful 19:12:28: TMSS10API_Send: Function(Ping) Length(0) Flags(0) OptArgs(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: RC(Request OK) Feedback(0) MilliSecs(0) Avail(0) Count(0) Length(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: Function(Ping) Length(0) Flags(0) OptArgs(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: RC(Request OK) Feedback(0) MilliSecs(0) Avail(0) Count(0) Length(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: Function(Ping) Length(0) Flags(0) OptArgs(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: RC(Request OK) Feedback(0) MilliSecs(0) Avail(0) Count(0) Length(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: Function(Ping) Length(0) Flags(0) OptArgs(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Send: RC(Request OK) Feedback(0) MilliSecs(0) Avail(0) Count(0) Length(0) 19:12:29: TMSS10API_Term