====== Volumes Added Within A Defined Date Range, Currently Located In A Selected Repository ======
Listing all [[object:volume|Volumes]] added to TapeTrack within a defined range of dates and currently located within a selected [[object:repository|Repository]] is a two-step process.
You must first extract an inventory listing of all [[object:volume|Volumes]] added between the specified range of dates. Then use that file to compare against a listing of all [[object:volume|Volumes]] located in the selected [[object:repository|Repository]] and extract all [[object:volume|Volumes]] that appear in both Inventories and export to file.
The comparison of the [[object:volume|Volumes]] within the files also requires the use of a Configuration file and a Definition file to extract the data in the correct format.
===== Extracting Volumes Added Within A Defined Date Range =====
Using the command line program [[TMSS10ListHistory]], along with the Attributes:
* ''-S user:-password@server'': Logon access
* ''-R "YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD"'': Specify the date range required.
* ''-t "*Added*"'': Extract only [[object:volume|Volume]] Added records
* ''-V "CUST.MEDIA.*"'': Limit [[object:customer|Customer]] and [[object:media|Media Types]] extracted if required
Output from this process is captured and written to file using stdout.
To extract all [[object:volume|Volumes]] added between the start of the year 2000 and the end of 2010 and write to file ''historyOut.txt''
TMSS10ListHistory -S user:-password@server -R "2000-01-01:2010-12-31" -t "*Added*" -V "*.*.*" > historyOut.txt
===== Configuration File =====
The configuration file is used for traversal of the history ([[object:volume|Volumes]] added) file for comparison of [[object:volume|Volumes]] currently in the selected [[object:repository|Repository]].
The following example instructs TapeTrack to compare each [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] to the Scanfile, if it is present include it in the output file, otherwise skip it and move to the next [[object:volume|Volume]].
scanfile= { file="scanfile.ttidef"; };
customer =
media =
volume =
scanfile = true;
===== Definition File =====
The [[concepts:definition_file|Definition File]] (default.ttidef) is used to instruct TapeTrack how the data is formatted in the extracted file.
# input file for Volume comparison (TMSS10ListHistory output)
# extract Volume-ID
Extract(BARCODE, 1, 15, 0);
# skip header (9 lines)
# exclude any line starting with -
AddString(Exclusion, 0, " -*");
===== Inventory Of Volumes Added Within A Defined Date Range Located In A Specified Repository =====
Using the list of [[object:volume|Volumes]] added between the defined date range, we now compare that list to the [[object:volume|Volumes]] located at the specified [[object:repository|Repository]] and output the [[object:volume|Volumes]] to file (inventory_out.txt).
TMSS10Inventory -S tapemaster:-@localhost -V "*.*.*@OFFS" -c "inventory.cfg" > inventory_out.txt 2> inventory_err.txt
or if you prefer CSV output with [[concepts:unqualified_barcode|Unqualified]] [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]], set the [[variable:start|Environmental Variables]] [[variable:tmssreportformat|TMSSREPORTFORMAT]] and [[variable:tmssunqualifiedvolume|TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME]].
TMSS10Inventory -S tapemaster:-@localhost -V "*.*.*@OFFS" -c "inventory.cfg" > inventory_out.csv 2> inventory_err.txt