====== TapeTrack Sync Fields ====== ^ Field ^ Max ^ Description ^ | CONTAINER | 20 | Fully qualified Container barcode | | CUSTOMER | 4 | Customer-ID | | DATACLUSTER | 256 | Data Cluster Value (Data Cluster must already exist) | | DESCRIPTION | 256 | Volume Description (use program flag to set Extended Attributes) | | ENCRYPTED | 10 | Is Volume encrypted (YES, NO, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1) | | EXPIRYDATE | | | | GENERATION | | Set Volume generation | | HIDDEN | | Is Volume Hidden (YES, NO, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1) | | HOMEREPOSITORY | | Set Home Repository | | HOMESLOT | 10 | Set Home Slot | | MEDIA | 4 | Media-ID | | MOUNTTIME | | Last mount time | | MOVEDATE | 64 | Move Date (must have SetMoveDateFormat defined) | | MOVELOCK | | Add or Remove Move Lock | | QUALITYCHECK | | | | READTIME | | Last Read time of Volume | | REPOSITORY | 4 | Repository-ID | | REPOSITORY_DESC | 20 | Description of Repository (will be used to set the REPOSITORY field) | | SCRATCH | 10 | Is Volume scratch (YES, NO, TRUE, FALSE 1, 0) | | SLOT | 10 | Slot for Repository. | | STAGE | 1 | Volume stage (0 = No Selection, 1 = Ordered, 2 = Used, 3 =Destroyed) | | STOCKID | | | | SYSTEM | 10 | System this Volume belongs to | | USAGE | | | | USAGECOUNT | | Add Usage count | | VOLUME | 10 | Volume-ID | | WRITETIME | 64 | Write Time (must have SetWriteTimeFormat defined) | ===== Addition Sync Fields ===== Addition Sync fields that can be used to extract data into for comparison when using Translation statements. These are not fields that can be set directly in TapeTrack. ^ Field ^ |User1 | |User2 | |User3 | |User4 | |User5 | |User6 | |User7 | |User8 | |User9 |