====== TMSS10CSV2Fixed ====== TMSS10CSV2Fixed converts a CSV file to a fixed length text file. ===== Synopsis ===== ''TMSS10CSV2Fixed [-?] [-v]'' ===== Options ===== * **-?** Integer pairs denoting string offset and field length ===== Exit Status ===== * **zero** Program has ended successfully. * **non-zero** Program has not ended successfully. ===== Environment ===== **TMSSDELIMITER** If defined the program will use a delimiter other than the default comma value. Allowable values are: * TAB * SEMI-COLON * COLON * SPACE ===== Examples ===== ==== Comma Delimitered CSV==== === Input File === {{cli:tmss10csv2fixed_comma_input.png}} === Command Line Syntax === TMSS10CSV2Fixed 0 8 15 10 30 15 < volumes_comma.csv > volumes_comma_fixed.txt Input file volumes_comma.csv on stdin, output stdout to file volumes_comma_fixed.txt \\ output column 1 to offset 0, length 8 \\ output column 2 to offset 15, length 10 \\ output column 3 to offset 30, length 15 \\ === Output === {{cli:tmss10csv2fixed_comma_output.png}} ---- ==== Tab Delimitered CSV==== === Input File === {{cli:tmss10csv2fixed_tab_input.png}} === Command Line Syntax === set TMSSDELIMITER=TAB TMSS10CSV2Fixed 0 8 15 10 30 15 < volumes_tab.csv > volumes_tab_fixed.txt Input file volumes_tab.csv on stdin, output stdout to file volumes_tab_fixed.txt \\ output column 1 to offset 0, length 8 \\ output column 2 to offset 15, length 10 \\ output column 3 to offset 30, length 15 \\ Running TMSS10CSV2Fixed with a file input from stdin and no offsets, will result in output with suggested column offsets to import the data withoout having to count columns and offsets manually. === Output === {{cli:tmss10csv2fixed_comma_output.png}} --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10CSV2Fixed] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ ->