====== TMSS10ExpireFiles ====== TMSS10ExpireFiles will expire and delete all files from the TapeTrack Server that match the [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] filter and fit within the specified date range. ===== Synopsis ===== ''TMSS10ExpireFiles [-C Customer Filter] [-R Expiry Date Range] [-S logon string] [-X Exclusion File] [-t Test Mode]'' ===== Options ===== * ''-C'' [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] filter. * ''-R'' Range of dates to delete files. * ''-S'' The Logon string argument sets the [[cli:server_argument|Server Logon Information]] * ''-X'' Files to be excluded from deletion. * ''-t'' True to run in test mode {{page>cli:fi}} ===== Notes ===== ==== Technical Support ==== The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the [[common:support_details|Accessing Technical Support]] page. ===== Examples ===== To delete all files with an expiry date within the year 2015 for [[object:customer|Customer]] US02 ==== Command line syntax ==== C:\>tmss10expirefiles -S username:-password@tapetrack.com -R "Y-2:y-2" -C "US02" ==== Output ==== ZBT001N-11:47:41 TMSS10ExpireFiles (c) GazillaByte 1998-2017 ZBT002N-11:47:41 Compiled Jul 4 2017 at 19:58:34 ZBT010I-11:47:41 this program will delete all expired files that have been uploaded to the TapeTrack Server ZBT006N-11:47:41 Running Under Windows 10 (build 15063 10.00) on platform x64 ZBT000N-11:47:41 Host is Little Endian ZBT000N-11:47:41 Host is ASCII ZBT000N-11:47:41 Binary is 64 bit ZBT000N-11:47:41 Current Working Directory is C:\ ZBT004N-11:47:41 Today is Tuesday, September 26, 2017 ZBT005N-11:47:41 Running on GazillaByte ZBT006N-11:47:41 Process ID 16044 ZBT000N-11:47:41 Parsing and validating command arguments ZBT001N-11:47:41 Server Interpreted as: Server(tapetrack.com) Port(5000) User(username) Password(******) ZBT000N-11:47:41 Explicit date range requested as: Y-2:y-2 ZBT000N-11:47:41 Start date interpreted as: Thursday, January 01, 2015 ZBT000N-11:47:41 End date interpreted as: Thursday, December 31, 2015 ZBT000N-11:47:41 Days apart: 365 ZBT000N-11:47:41 Checking for Environment Variable 'ESPDATERANGEOFFSETFILE' ZBT002N-11:47:41 Program Options: ZBT002N-11:47:41 (C) Customer Filter=US02 ZBT002N-11:47:41 (R) Expiry Date Range=Y-2:Y-1 ZBT002N-11:47:41 (S) Server= --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10ExpireFiles] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ ->