====== TMSS10Inventory ====== TMSS10Inventory produces an Inventory Report of all selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. By default, this program accepts pairs of Integers as arguments, with each successive pair representing the next column within a CSV file. The first Integer is the zero-based offset within the output file, and the second is the length of the field that is output. Alternatively, if the first argument of the first pair contains a colon, the Integer on the left-hand side of the colon will set the relative column, and any future pair will be offset from that column. In the event that other pairs also start with a colon, this too will set the column and future columns from that column index. In the event that the program is run with no arguments, the program will display a suggested calling syntax taking into account the maximum values calculated by processing the supplied data. ===== Synopsis ===== ''TMSS10Inventory [-A attribute index] [-M mode] [-N no relative resolve] [-R output a scan list file] [-S logon string] [-V volume filter] [-c configuration file]'' ===== Options ===== * ''-A'' Attribute Index (default = 0) * ''-M'' Sets the output mode. * ''-N'' No relative resolve. * ''-R'' Outputs results to a scan list file. * ''-S'' The Logon string argument sets the [[cli:server_argument|Server Logon Lnformation]]. * ''-V'' [[cli:volume_filter|Volume Filter]] which can be used to filter the traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]], [[object:volume|Volume]], [[object:repository|Repository]] and [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] values. *''-c'' The config file argument specifies the path to the Batch Configuration File. The Batch Configuration File allows you to perform advanced traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]] and [[object:volume|Volumes]], perform advanced Barcode pre and post-processing and route program output to syslogd. {{page>cli:fi}} {{page>cli:attribute}} ===== Notes ===== Running TMSS10Inventory in mode 1 (default) will produce a report with the values: Sequence, [[concepts:qualified_barcode|Barcode]], Location, [[object:repository|Repository]], Next Move, Days, Last Move, GDup (Global Duplicate), CDup (Customer Duplicate) and Container. Running TMSS10Inventory in mode 2 will produce a report with the values: Sequence, [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]], Total and Moving total. TMSS10Inventory output can include up to twenty attributes in the one report. To include more than one attribute, include attribute indexes seperated by commas using -A in the program call. For example to add attributes 0, 1 and 3 in the report use -A “0,1,3. If the report is output to text, CSV, PDF attribute values over 30 characters long will be truncated to 28 characters and two full stops to indicate a truncated value (eg ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 will show as ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12..). Reports output to Excel will show full attribute values irrespective of character length. Mode 1 \\ Report-ID: 100 Mode 2 \\ Report-ID: 101 ===== Technical Support ===== The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full-time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the [[common:support_details|Accessing Technical Support]] page. ===== Exit Statuses ===== - **zero** Program has ended successfully. - **non-zero** Program has not ended successfully. ===== Environment ===== ===== Files ===== **stdout:** Output Reports. \\ **stderr:** Diagnostic messages. \\ **stdin:** Program input. ===== Example ===== ==== Customer US03 LTO inventory - Report Format 1 ==== === Command line syntax === TMSS10Inventory -S user:-password@server -V "US01.*.*" -M 1 === Output === System: TapeTrack Report Description: Inventory List Production Time: Monday, January 24, 2022 - 11:53:11 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time) Report Width: 164 bytes Seq. Barcode Location Repository Expiry Next Move Last Move GDup CDup Container ------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------- ---- ---- -------------------- 1 US01.CONT.CONT001 No-Alloc [0] Offsite Vault Permanent Permanent 2021-11-18 09:12:08 2 1 Is-Container:1 2 US01.CONT.CONT002 No-Alloc [0] Offsite Vault Permanent Permanent 2022-01-24 11:47:01 2 1 Is-Container:7 3 US01.CONT.CONT003 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 4 US01.CONT.CONT004 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 5 US01.CONT.CONT005 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 6 US01.CONT.CONT006 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 7 US01.CONT.CONT007 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 8 US01.CONT.CONT008 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 9 US01.CONT.CONT009 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 10 US01.CONT.CONT010 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2 1 Is-Container:0 11 US01.LTO.000000L4 Blue1 [1.1] Offsite Vault [1] Permanent 2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48 2 1 12 US01.LTO.000001L4 Blue1 [1.2] Offsite Vault [2] Permanent 2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48 2 1 13 US01.LTO.000002L4 Blue1 [1.3] Offsite Vault [3] Permanent 2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48 2 1 14 US01.LTO.000003L4 Blue1 [1.4] Offsite Vault [4] Permanent 2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48 2 1 15 US01.LTO.000004L4 Blue1 [1.5] Offsite Vault [5] Permanent 2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48 2 1 16 US01.LTO.000005L4 Blue1 [1.6] Offsite Vault [6] Permanent 2022-04-24 2021-12-10 10:39:48 2 1 17 US01.LTO.000006L4 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2021-12-10 09:29:30 2 1 18 US01.LTO.000007L4 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2021-11-18 09:11:57 2 1 US01.CONT.CONT001 19 US01.LTO.000008L4 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2021-12-10 10:41:57 2 1 20 US01.LTO.000009L4 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2021-12-10 10:41:57 2 1 21 US01.LTO.000010L4 No-Alloc [0] Library Permanent Permanent 2021-12-10 10:41:57 2 1 22 US01.LTO.000011L4 Blue1 [2.1] Offsite Vault [11] Permanent Permanent 2021-12-10 10:48:24 2 1 23 US01.LTO.000012L4 Blue1 [2.2] Offsite Vault [12] Permanent Permanent 2021-12-10 10:48:24 2 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Column Heading ^ Description ^ | Seq | Record sequence number | |Barcode|Volume-ID. Default is fully qualified barcode, use [[variable:tmssunqualifiedvolume|TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME]] to list unqualified Volume-ID's| |Location|Volume location: No-Alloc [0] = no Slot allocated, 1:2 [1.3] = Zone-ID 1:2, Shelf 1, Slot 3| |Repository|Repository Volume is currently located in| |Expiry|Expiry of retention date| |Next Move|Date of next move, Permanent = No next move| |Last Move|Last date the Volume was moved| |GDup|Global wide number of the Volume-ID, 1 = one instance or no duplicates| |CDup|Customer wide number of the Volume-ID, 1 = one instance or no duplicates| |Container|Container-ID if Volume is assigned to a Container, blank = not assigned to a Container.| ---- ==== Customer US03 LTO inventory - Report Format 2 ==== === Command line syntax === TMSS10Inventory -S user:-password@server -V "US01.*.*" -M 2 === Output === System: TapeTrack Report ID: 101 Report Description: Volume Inventory Extract Production Time: Monday, January 24, 2022 - 11:56:02 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time) Report Width: 92 bytes Seq. Customer Media Total Moving ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- 1 New York Data Center Container 10 0 2 New York Data Center LTO Cartridge 103 32 ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10Inventory] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ ->