====== TMSS10IRM_FTP ======
===== Synopsis =====
''TMSS10IRM_FTP [-D download date] [-F ftp address] [-N skip upload] [-O only stats] [-P file search pattern] [-U upload file] [-X proxy address] [-f upload file] [-i directory] [-p ftp password] [-u ftp user-ID]''
===== Description =====
Sends and/or receives files from an Iron Mountain FTP server.
===== Options =====
* ''-D'' Date for download
* ''-F'' FTP Address (default = ftp.osdp.ironmountain.com)
* ''-N'' Skip upload if stdin empty (default = false)
* ''-O'' Only show the stats (default = false)
* ''-P'' Download file search pattern (default = inventory_*)
* ''-U'' Upload file, rather than download (default = false)
* ''-X'' Proxy Server Address
* ''-f'' Name of file when uploading
* ''-i'' Download/Upload Folder default = archive)
* ''-p'' FTP Password
* ''-u'' FTP User-ID
===== Technical Support =====
The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the [[common:support_details|Accessing Technical Support]] page.
===== Exit Statuses =====
- **zero** Program has ended successfully.
- **non-zero** Program has not ended successfully.
===== Environment =====
===== Files =====
**stdout:** Output Reports. \\
**stderr:** Diagnostic messages. \\
**stdin:** Program input.
===== Example =====
=== Command line syntax ===
TMSS10IRM_FTP -u ftpuser -p ftppass -U < IRMinputFile.txt
For example script see SendFile.bat example file in your SecureSync install directory TapeTrack\TapeTrack SecureSync\scripts
===== Changelog =====
[filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10IRM_FTP]
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