====== TMSS10MovePending ====== Puts [[object:volume|Volumes]] with a **Move Pending [[common:volume_flags|Flag]]** into a Move Status to the [[object:volume|Volume's]] Current [[object:repository|Repository's]] Next Repository, as set in the ''Options Tab'' of the Repository Properties Window. If the [[object:volume|Volume's]] current Repository has no Next Repository, the **Move Pending [[common:volume_flags|Flag]]** will be added, but no move will be initiated. ===== Synopsis ===== ''TMSS10MovePending [-S server] [-T test mode] [-V volume filter] [-c config file] [-o override file]'' ===== Options ===== * ''-S'' The Logon String argument sets the [[cli:server_argument|Server Logon Information]] * ''-T'' Test mode, default = false.. * ''-V'' [[cli:volume_filter|Volume Filter]] which can be used to filter the traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]], [[object:volume|Volume]], [[object:repository|Repository]] and [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] values. *''-c'' The config file argument specifies the path to the Batch Configuration File. The Batch Configuration File allows you to perform advanced traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]] and [[object:volume|Volumes]], perform advanced Barcode pre and post processing and route program output to syslogd. * ''-o'' Overide file location. {{page>cli:fi}} ==== Technical Support ==== The TapeTrack Software is commercially supported by a full time help desk staff. If you are experiencing problems or want some advice on how to configure or use the product please see the [[common:support_details|Accessing Technical Support]] page. ==== Exit Statuses ==== - **zero** Program has ended successfully. - **non-zero** Program has not ended successfully. ==== Files ==== **stdout:** Output Reports. \\ **stderr:** Diagnostic messages. \\ ==== Example ==== === Command Line Syntax === TMSS10MovePending -S user:-password@localhost -V "US01.LTO.*" === Output === --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10MovePending] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ -> {{tag>update_doco}}