====== TMSS10Page2CSV ====== TMSS10Page2CSV converts a page formatted report to a CSV file. ===== Synopsis ===== This program expects a variable number of arguments. Each argument is a string representing a filter, the first filter represents the string that should be considered a page break, while each subsequent argument represents a string that should be considered a record to be extracted. ===== Options ===== This program has no options. ===== Exit Status ===== * **zero** Program has ended successfully. * **non-zero** Program has not ended successfully. ===== Environment ===== **TMSSBEEP** If defined the program will beep whenever an error occurs. **TMSSCHOMP** If defined the program will remove the number of characters defined from the beginning of the extracted string. ===== Files ===== **stdout:** Output Reports. \\ **stderr:** Diagnostic messages. \\ **stdin:** Program input. ===== Example ===== ==== Command Line Syntax ==== Define TMSSCHOMP to remove the first 32 bytes from extracted string \\ Set first argument (*=*") to define page break, any string starting with character = \\ Extraction filter ("Media Status:*") for field 1 \\ Extraction filter ("Data Expiration:*") for field 2 \\ Direct input file media.txt to stdin \\ set TMSS10CHOMP=32 TMSS10Page2CSV "===*" "Barcode:*" "Volume Pool:*" "Vault Name:*" "Robot Number:*" "Media Status:*" "Last Written:*" "Last Read:*" "Data Expiration:*" < media.txt > media.csv ===== Sample Input File ===== Media.txt Media GUID: afds5a1b-fb65-4bfb-4f38-07f7ds418074 Media ID: 101001 Media Type: HCART Volume Group: Off_Site Description: Scratch Barcode: 101001L5 Created: 06/24/2018 16:11 Last Mount: 05/09/2020 15:23 Volume Expiration: - Data Expiration: - Last Written: 06/01/2021 14:44 Last Read: - Robot Type: NONE Robot Control Host: - Robot Number: - Number of Mounts: 116 Media Status: ACTIVE Retention Period: - Last Header Offset: 0 Origin Host: NONE Master Host: sac100.gazillabyte.com Pool Number: 4 Volume Pool: Scratch Previous Pool Name: GazillaByte-1 Vault Name: GazillaByte_Vault_Eject Date Vaulted: 06/04/2021 18:05 Return Date: 06/04/2021 18:05 ==================================================================== Media GUID: afds5a1b-fb65-4bfb-4f38-07f7ds418074 Media ID: 101002 Media Type: HCART Volume Group: Off_Site Description: Scratch Barcode: 101002L5 Created: 06/24/2018 16:11 Last Mount: 05/09/2020 15:23 Volume Expiration: - Data Expiration: - Last Written: 06/01/2021 14:44 Last Read: - Robot Type: NONE Robot Control Host: - Robot Number: - Number of Mounts: 116 Media Status: ACTIVE Retention Period: - Last Header Offset: 0 Origin Host: NONE Master Host: sac100.gazillabyte.com Pool Number: 4 Volume Pool: Scratch Previous Pool Name: GazillaByte-1 Vault Name: GazillaByte_Vault_Eject Date Vaulted: 06/04/2021 18:05 Return Date: 06/04/2021 18:05 ==================================================================== ==== Sample Output File ==== media.csv 101001L5,Scratch,GazillaByte_Vault_Eject,-,ACTIVE,06/01/2021 14:44,-,-, 101002L5,Scratch,GazillaByte_Vault_Eject,-,ACTIVE,06/01/2021 14:44,-,-, --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10Page2CSV] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ ->