====== TMSS10Ping ====== Command line programs are executed via a [[technote:commandline|Command Line Prompt]] or via a batch file. They cannot be executed by double clicking or right click run ===== Synopsis ===== ''TMSS10Ping [-n count] [-P port] host'' ===== Description ===== ''TMSS10Ping'' sends dummy packets to a TapeTrack Framework Server and receives a reply packet. Unlike the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_(networking_utility)|ping]] command which sends ICMP echo packets, ''TMSS10Ping'' sends payload packets via the TCP/IP protocol. This means that even if a firewall is configured to block ping requests, if TapeTrack connections are allowed, then ''TMSS10Ping'' packets will be successful. ===== Options ===== The options which apply to the TMSS10Ping command are: * ''-n'' This option sets the number of test packets to send, set as an Integer (default=4). * ''-P'' This option sets the TCP/IP port to, set as an Integer (default=5000). * ''host'' Host name(DNS) or dotted IP address of the TapeTrack Framework Server. ===== Exit Status ===== - **zero** Program has ended successfully. - **non-zero** Program was unable to connect to the TapeTrack Framework Server. ===== Environment ===== * [[variable:tmssserverproxy|TMSSSERVERPROXY]] * [[variable:tmssapilogdir|TMSSAPILOGDIR]] ===== Files ===== * ''stdout'' Program messages indicating statistics from ping. ===== Examples ===== This example tests a TapeTrack connection on port 443. C:\>TMSS10Ping -P 443 tapetrack.ironmountain.com 44 bytes from seq=1 time=58.00 ms 44 bytes from seq=2 time=58.00 ms 44 bytes from seq=3 time=58.00 ms 44 bytes from seq=4 time=57.00 ms --- tapetrack.ironmountain.com TMSS10Ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted round-trip min/avg/max = 0.00/57.75/58.00 ms This example sends an email if a TapeTrack Server is down. #!/bin/bash TMSS10Ping -P 443 tapetrack.ironmountain.com > /dev/null [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sendmail ..... fi This example sends ping request via a proxy server, creates a trace file and displays the trace file. set PROXYIP= set PROXYPORT=3128 set PROXYUSER= set PROXYPW= set TAPETRACKIP=server.databank.co.il set TAPETRACKPORT=443 set TMSSAPILOGDIR=%TEMP% set TMSSSERVERPROXY=%PROXYUSER%:-%PROXYPW%@%PROXYIP%:%PROXYPORT% del /Q "%TMSSAPILOGDIR%\TMSSAPILOG-*.txt" TMSS10Ping -P %TAPETRACKPORT% %TAPETRACKIP% type "%TMSSAPILOGDIR%\TMSSAPILOG-*.txt" pause --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10Ping] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ ->