====== TMSS10VolumeRename ====== This program renames, or assigns a new [[object:volume|Volume-ID]], a [[object:volume|Volume]] or list of [[object:volume|Volumes]] ===== Synopsis ===== ''TMSS10VolumeRename [-S logonstring] [-V volumefilter] [-C new Customer-ID] [-M new Media-ID] [-N new Volume-ID] [-c configfile] [-l Live mode]'' ===== Description ===== TMSS10VolumeRename will rename the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] of a current [[object:volume|Volume]] or list of [[object:volume|Volumes]] , keeping history records associated with that [[object:volume|Volume/s]]. ===== Options ===== TMSS10VolumeRename command options: * ''-S'' The Logon String argument sets the [[cli:server_argument|Server Logon Information]]. * ''-V'' The volume filter argument sets the Volume Filter which can be used to filter the traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]] and [[object:volume|Volume]] values. The format of this filter is c.m.v@r, where c is [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] filter, m is [[object:media|Media-ID]] filter, v is [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] filter and r is [[object:repository|Repository-ID]] filter. To process only [[object:volume|Volumes]] not in [[object:repository|Repository]] ACME, "*.*.*@!(ACME). * ''-C'' New Customer-ID. * ''-M'' New Media-ID. * ''-N'' New Volume-ID. * ''-c'' The config file argument specifies the path to the Batch Configuration File. The Batch Configuration File allows you to perform advanced traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]] and [[object:volume|Volumes]], perform advanced Barcode pre and post processing and route program output to syslogd. Configuration File capabilities vary from program to program but the syntax remains the same. In the event that logic is not supported it will simply be ignored. * ''-l'' Live mode. {{page>cli:fi}} ===== Exit Status ===== - **zero** Program has ended successfully. - **non-zero** Program has not ended successfully. ===== Environment ===== ===== Files ===== * ''stdout'' Output Reports. * ''stderr'' Diagnostic messages. ===== Examples ===== ==== Renaming Volume - New Volume-ID ==== Renaming a single [[object:volume|Volume]] to assign a new [[object:volume|Volume-ID]], for example if you have a typo in the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] you want to fix without losing the historical records accumulated. To rename [[object:volume|Volume]] ''US04.LTO.111211L6'' to ''US04.LTO.111111L6'' === Command line syntax === TMSS10VolumeRename -S doco:-doco@localhost -V "US04.LTO.111211L6" -N "111111L6" -l === Output === System: TapeTrack Report Description: Volume Rename Report Production Time: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 10:20:18 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time) Report Width: 111 bytes Seq. Old Identity New Identity Messages ------ -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- 1 US04.LTO.111211L6 US04.LTO.111111L6 Request OK ------ -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- ---- ==== Renaming Volume - Same Volume-ID, New Customer-ID==== === Command line syntax === TMSS10VolumeRename -S doco:-doco@localhost -V "US04.LTO.123456L6" -N "*" -C "US03" -l === Output === System: TapeTrack Report Description: Volume Rename Report Production Time: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 10:20:18 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time) Report Width: 111 bytes Seq. Old Identity New Identity Messages ------ -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- 1 US04.LTO.123456L6 US03.LTO.123456L6 Request OK ------ -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- --> Changelog [filterrss http://www.tapetrack.com/cgi/changelog.cgi?module=TMSS10VolumeRename] <-- <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ ->