====== Command Line Volume Filter Argument ====== The Command Line Volume Filter Argument or Batch Volume filter allows you to only include the Customers, Media Types, Volumes, Repositories and Flags required for the process you are running. This allows not only exclusion of unwanted data but lowers the processing time. The [[object:volume|Volume]] filter argument sets the [[object:volume|Volume]] Filter which can be used to filter the traversal of [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]] and [[object:volume|Volume]] values. The format of this filter is ''c.m.v@r+f'', where ''c'' is [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] filter, ''m'' is [[object:media|Media-ID]] filter, ''v'' is [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] filter, ''r'' is [[object:repository|Repository-ID]] filter and ''f'' is the [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] filter. If the -V filter is not assigned a value it assumes the default of ''-V "*.*.*"'' which will, by use of wild card value, include all [[object:volume|Volumes]]. Each of the values within the filter can be left as a wild card or assigned a value. ===== Examples ===== To process all [[object:volume|Volumes]] only in [[object:repository|Repository]] ACME -V "*.*.*@ACME" To process all [[object:volume|Volumes]] not in [[object:repository|Repository]] ACME -V "*.*.*@!(ACME)" To process all **LTO** [[object:volume|Volumes]] for [[object:customer|Customer]] **US01** -V "US01.LTO.*" To process all **LTO** [[object:volume|Volumes]] for all except [[object:customer|Customer]] **US01** -V "!(US01).LTO.*" To process all **LTO** [[object:volume|Volumes]] for all except [[object:customer|Customer]] **US01** and **US02** -V "!(US01|US02).LTO.*" To process all **LTO** [[object:volume|Volumes]] for [[object:customer|Customer]] **US01** in repository **ACME** with an **encrypted** flag -V "US01.LTO.*@ACME+E" To process all **LTO** [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the offsite Repository that are Scratch and not Encrypted. -V "*.LTO.*@OFFS+Z!E"