====== Barcode Printer ====== {{barcode_printer.png}} ===== Printing Methods ===== The appropriate method for printing Barcodes from TapeTrack depends on the type of Barcode required - [[concepts:qualified_barcode|Fully Qualified]], [[concepts:unqualified_barcode|Unqualified]], [[object:zone|Zone-ID]] or Slot-ID. [[print_barcodes:fully_qualified|Printing Fully Qualified Barcode labels]] [[print_barcodes:unqualified|Printing Unqualified Barcode labels]] [[print_barcodes:zones|Printing Zone Barcode Labels]] [[print_barcodes:slots|Printing Slot Barcode Labels]] ===== Barcode Printer Menus ===== ==== Main Menu ==== * ''File'' * ''New'': Clears any current Barcodes. * ''Open'': Opens file dialog to open Barcode text file. * ''Save'': Saves current Barcodes to text file. * ''Save As'': Saves current Barcodes to text file. * ''Print'': Opens printer dialog to print Barcodes. * ''Print Preview'': Opens print preview window to view Barcode layout. * ''Print Setup'': Opens your default printer properties window. * ''Send'': Opens default email client with Barcode text file attached. * ''Exit'': Closes the Barcode Printer. * ''Tools'' * ''Scan To Add'': * ''Edit'' * ''Copy'' * ''Paste'': Paste Barcodes from Windows Clipboard. * ''View'' * ''Status Bar'': Displays or hides Status bar at bottom of barcode Printer. * ''Help'' * ''About TapeTrack Barcode Printer'': Displays Barcode Printer compile date and support information. ==== Right Click Menu ==== * ''Delete'': Deletes selected Barcodes from the Barcode Printer. * ''Edit'' * ''Copy'': Copies current Barcodes (Barcodes and Text columns) to Windows Clipboard. * ''[[barcode_printer:Paste]]'': Pastes Windows Clipboard values into the Barcode Printer. ==== Print Layout Properties ==== * ''Across'': Number of Barcodes to print across the page. * ''Down'': The number of Barcodes to print down the page. * ''Margins'': Margins to be placed around the Barcodes * ''Left'': Left margin padding * ''Right'': Right margin padding * ''Top'': Top margin padding * ''Bottom'': Bottom margin padding * ''Appearance'': * ''[[barcode_printer:separator_box|Separator Box]]'': Adds a grey border around each Barcode to aid in separating individual Barcodes when manually cutting them out. * ''[[barcode_printer:preview_margins|Preview Margins]]'': Adds a preview of print boundaries to aid in confirming Barcode will print within a specified area. * ''[[barcode_printer:QR Code]]'': Adds a QR code to the Barcode label. * ''[[barcode_printer:human_readable|Include Human Readable]]'': Adds text representation of Barcode to make it readable by Humans. * ''[[barcode_printer:Font]]'': Sets font for Human Readable content, does not alter scannable Barcode. {{tag> barcode print update_doco}}