====== Commvault ====== [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commvault|Commvault]] software is an enterprise-level data platform that contains modules to back up, restore, archive, replicate, and search data. ===== Storage Information Report ===== The Storage Information Report is created via the Commvault GUI and output to CSV format, accessible from the reports tab. Report Details - General tab. Group Volumes by barcode, include all media statuses. {{commvault_gui_1.png}} Report Details - Libraries tab. Include orphaned media, both in and out of all libraries. {{commvault_gui_2.png}} Report Details - Time Range tab. {{commvault_gui_3.png}} Report Details - Output tab. FTP address is only an example, you will need to add your correct FTP address. {{commvault_gui_4.png}} ==== Example Storage Information Report ==== Storage Information Report Report generated on 05/06/2014 14:08:02 CommCell ID: F4720 CommCell: cmback01 -- Report Criteria -- #Group By:Bar Code #Media Status:All #Media Location:In, Out #Include: None #Show Media With Error Only: No #Show Media With Prevent Export Only: No #Show Media Retained by Extended Retention Only: No #Show Media Retained by Basic Retention Only: No #Include De-configured Clients Only: No #Libraries:All #Media Repository:None #Location:All #Storage Policy (Copy):All #Locale:English #Use None Summary Total,Active/Ready,Full/Offline,Appendable,Idle/Spare,Read-Only,Bad,Cleaning,Retired,Foreign,Saved,Undiscovered,Other, 3014,45,1435,971,416,0,41,7,45,0,54,0,0, Bar Code,Media Type,Description,Library,Storage Policy [Copy],Media Group,Retain Data Until,Location,Container,Prevent Export,Exportable Time,Last Export Time,Side,Status,Last Read,Last Write,Total Data (MB), 000001L3(R),ULTRIUM V3,N/A,DELL TL-2000 : Swords (LTO-5),SP : Archived : Swords CSO-DB1_Full - 2006 [Weekly Aux Copy (CSO-DB2)],N/A,Infinite,Not Available,N/A,No,N/A,11/22/2014 12:30:42,1,[Appendable]: F,08/25/2008 02:22:34,12/29/2007 10:16:07,125640,(Details about Full/Appendable media) JobId : 106244 Date : Wed Mar 05 02:12:50 2008, 000001L5,ULTRIUM Cleaning Tape,N/A,DELL TL-2001 : Swords (LTO-5),N/A,Cleaning Media,N/A,slot 3,N/A,No,N/A,N/A,1,Cleaning,N/A,03/15/2014 10:42:15,Number of Used/Left:1/48, ===== Synchronization ===== You will need to install the [[cli:sync_suite|TapeTrack Sync software]] to complete these instructions. Synchronization with TapeTrack is performed by calling the [[cli:TMSS10Sync|TMSS10Sync]] command line program, along with: - The Storage Information CSV report. - Command line arguments that instruct the program how to process volumes. - A synchronization definition file that instructs the program how to interpret the Storage Information CSV output. ==== Example Command Line Arguments ==== TMSS10Sync -d default.ttidef -a -S batch:-password@server < commvaultreport.csv Where: * ''-d'' is the path to the Synchronization Definition File. * ''-a'' tells the program to add new tape volumes if they are encountered. * ''-S'' tells the program what [[cli:server_argument|Server]] to connect to. * ''commvaultreport.csv'' is the Commvault output. ==== Example Synchronization Definition ==== # # Set delimiter SetCSVDelimiter(","); # Set Customer-ID SetLiteral(CUSTOMER, "1002"); # Set Media-ID SetLiteral(MEDIA, "LTO"); # Extract values Extract(VOLUME, 1, 6, 0); Extract(DESCRIPTION, 5, 50, 0); Extract(EXPIRYDATE, 7, 10, 0); Extract(WRITETIME, 13, 20, 0); Extract(MOVEDATE, 7, 10, 0); # Add L5 suffix to barcode value AddTranslation(VOLUME, "*", "*L5"); # Declare date formats SetExpiryDateFormat("%%m/%%d/%%Y"); SetMoveDateFormat("%%m/%%d/%%Y"); SetWriteTimeFormat("%%m/%%d/%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S"); # Set start of data AddString(START, 0, "A1*"); # Exclude any line that starts with a space AddString(EXCLUSION, 0, " *"); # Set end of data AddString(END, 0, "Notes:*"); <- :cookbook:backupexec|BackupExec Sync Cookbook ^ :cookbook:introduction|Cookbook ^ :cookbook:dataprotector|Data Protector Sync Cookbook-> {{tag> cookbook}}