====== Data Protector Sync Cookbook ====== [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Data_Protector|Data Protector]] is a HP enterprise backup solution and is available for Windows, UNIX and Linux. ===== The omnirpt command ===== The onmirpt command is available on systems with the Data Protector User Interface component installed. The ''omnirpt'' command generates various reports about the Data Protector environment omnirpt -report media_list -tab > var\dataprotector.csv ==== Example omnirpt output ==== #List of Media #Cell Manager: gazillabyte.tapetrack.co #Creation Date: 9/13/2018 2:00:12 PM # Headers # Medium ID label location Status Protection Used [MB] Total [MB] Last Used Pool Type 3f04a59e:3866b9c6:1990:0004 [000005L7] 000005L7 LIB_1244 Good 9/19/2018 8:23:04 AM 267575.25 4113512.00 9/17/2018 6:48.22 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:3b5b80ee:lc84:0003 [000006L7] 000006L7 Good 7/14/2018 6:53:04 AM 342875.46 4000000.00 7/11/2018 5:28.33 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:398c833e:14a8:0004 [000007L7] 000007L7 LIB_1244 Good 9/16/2018 2:52:24 AM 112875.21 4000000.00 9/12/2018 6:28.45 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:3914el91:lce8:0005 [000008L7] 000008L7 LIB_1244 Good 9/21/2018 7:44:04 AM 264452.33 4000000.00 9/17/2018 7:43.29 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:39353595:14e4:0003 [000009L7] 000009L7 Good 9/11/2018 7:53:04 AM 245675.45 4000000.00 9/4/2018 7:15.22 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:3817c945:lba8:0003 [000010L7] 000010L7 Good 9/19/2018 8:57:04 AM 100575.25 4000000.00 9/11/2018 6:32.04 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:38311894:laee:0004 [000011L7] 000011L7 LIB_1244 Good 8/19/2018 4:33:34 AM 200335.26 4000000.00 8/12/2018 3:28.41 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:383c719c:1440:0001 [000012L7] 000012L7 LIB_1244 Good 8/17/2018 8:53:04 AM 260000.04 4000000.00 8/11/2018 4:55.52 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:383117eb:laee:0003 [000013L7] 000013L7 Good 6/30/2018 5:55:54 AM 108075.25 4000000.00 6/15/2018 6:02.44 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium 3f04a59e:383c3e6e:0ba4:0001 [000014L7] 000014L7 LIB_1244 Good 8/29/2018 8:53:04 AM 000455.44 4000000.00 8/17/2018 8:08.32 AM LIB Daily LTO-Ultrium ==== Converting omnirpt tab file to Fixed length file ==== Output from omnirpt, while tab delimitered, can produce offset columns depending on string lengths. To ensure the column offsets are consistent the output is passed through [[cli:tmss10csv2fixed|TMSS10CSV2Fixed]]. Run [[cli:tmss10csv2fixed|TMSS10CSV2Fixed]] directing the file ''dataprotector.csv'' through ''stdin'' to get a starting point for columns and offset values, adjust the offsets to match the data you wish to import, omitting data from irrelevant columns with the offset 0 0. TMSSDELIMETER=TAB TMSS10CSV2Fixed < dataprotector.csv System: TapeTrack Report Description: CSV Statistics Production Time: Monday, October 01, 2018 - 13:46:07 (AUS Eastern Standard Time) Report Width: 120 bytes Seq. Min. Max. Heading Value ----- ----- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 11 27 # Medium ID 1 5 19 label 2 0 8 location 3 4 28 Status 4 9 20 Protection 5 9 10 Used [MB] 6 10 20 Total [MB] 7 9 20 Last Used 8 4 11 Pool 9 4 11 Type ----- ----- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Usage: tmss10csv2fixed 0 27 28 19 48 8 57 28 86 20 107 10 118 20 139 20 160 11 172 11 Changing the offset values to pick up Volume-ID (column 2, offset 30 length 8), location (column 3, offset 48, length 8) and description (column 9, offset 160, length 12). TMSS10CSV2Fixed 0 0 0 8 17 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 12 0 0 < dataprotector.csv > dataprotectorFixed.txt Sample output with selected columns Label Location Pool 000005L7 LIB_1244 LIB Daily 000006L7 LIB Daily 000007L7 LIB_1244 LIB Daily 000008L7 LIB_1244 LIB Daily 000009L7 LIB Daily 000010L7 LIB Daily 000011L7 LIB_1244 LIB Daily 000012L7 LIB_1244 LIB Daily 000013L7 LIB Daily 000014L7 LIB_1244 LIB Daily ===== Synchronization ===== You will need to install the [[cli:sync_suite|TapeTrack Sync software]] to complete these instructions. Synchronization with TapeTrack is performed by calling the [[cli:TMSS10Sync|TMSS10Sync]] command line program, along with: - The fixed width text file produced by pre-processing the onmirpt output. - Command line arguments that instruct the program how to process volumes. - A synchronization definition file that instructs the program how to interpret the omnirpt output. ==== Example Command Line Arguments ==== TMSS10Sync -d dp.ttidef -a -S batch:-password@server < dataprotectorFixed.txt Where: * ''-d'' is the path to the Synchronization Definition File. * ''-a'' tells the program to add new tape volumes if they are encountered. * ''-S'' tells the program what [[cli:server_argument|Server]] to connect to. * ''dataprotectorFixed.txt'' is the ''omnirpt'' output that has been pre-processed through the [[cli:tmss10csv2fixed|TMSS10CSV2Fixed]] program ==== Example Synchronization Definition ==== # # Set the Customer and Media as literal values as they never change # SetLiteral(CUSTOMER, "ACME"); SetLiteral(MEDIA, "LTO"); # # Get the Volume-ID # Extract(VOLUME, 1, 8, 0); # # Get the Repository from a translated location Name # Extract(REPOSITORY, 17, 10, 0); RemoveSpaces(REPOSITORY); AddTranslation(REPOSITORY, "*Lib*", "LIBR"); AddTranslation(REPOSITORY, "*", "OFFS); # # Set the Description to the Pool Name # Extract(DESCRIPTION, 35, 40, 0); RemoveSpaces(DESCRIPTION); # <- :cookbook:commvault|Commvault Sync Cookbook ^ :cookbook:introduction|Cookbook ^ :cookbook:netbackup|NetBackup Sync Cookbook-> {{tag> cookbook}}