====== Adding Long Barcode Values To Extended Attributes ====== When adding hashed Long Barcodes to TapeTrack, the unhashed Barcode can be automatically added to the [[object:volume|Volume's]] ''Description'' or an [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] to allow a human readable along side the hashed value. ===== Sample Data ===== In this example we will use the following [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] to scan into [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]] * VOLUME_1001 * 100010002234 * MONDAY VOLUME 1 Adding [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] ''Long Barcode'' ===== Adding An Extended Attribute For Long Barcode ===== If you are adding the unhashed Barcode to the [[object:volume|Volume]] field ''Description'' or you have already added the required [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] you can skip this section. [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attributes]] are added at a [[object:customer|Customer]] level and are then available to all [[object:media|Media]] types that belong to that [[object:customer|Customer]]. To add an [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]], right-click the required Customer-ID from the Customer Tree and select ''Properties''. {{:master:tapemaster_customer_properties.png}} From the Edit [[object:customer|Customer]] window, select the ''Attributes'' tab. {{master_attribute.png}} Left-click in the first available blank [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] field ''Name'' . Enter a descriptive name for the [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] (eg. Long Barcode), leaving the ''Type'' as ''String''. Select the ''Options'' tab. From the ''Long Barcode Attribute'' field, select the [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] field you want the un-hashed Long Barcode to be added to (eg. Long barcode). {{master_long_barcode_attribute_select.png}} Click ''Save''. ===== Scanning Long Barcodes ===== Scan Long Barcodes, by right-clicking in the [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]] Inventory window and selecting ''Special Operations'' -> ''Scan'' -> ''Scan To Add Volumes'' {{master:tapemaster_volume_scan_to_add.png}} Scan-In the [[object:volume|Volumes]] using your preferred method. All [[object:volume|Volumes]] Scanned with Long Barcodes will automatically have the un-hashed barcode value added to the [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] selected in the previous steps. ===== Viewing Long Barcode Values ===== To view the [[element:volume_attributes|Extended Attribute]] (Long Barcode) in [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]], from the main menu select ''View'' -> ''Volume List Properties''. {{:master:tapemaster_view_volume_list.png}} Select from the ''Attribute Field'', under ''List Options'', the required Attribute (Long Barcode). The un-hashed Long Barcode values will now display in the Inventory window. {{master_attribute_select.png}} {{tag> cookbook}}