====== Restore Previous Date ====== Adding a Restore Previous Date Simple Management Rule to a Repository will maintain the Next Move Date currently applied to the Volumes when moved to the Target Repository. ===== Creating The Rule ===== Select the required Customer and Media Type so that the Inventory is displayed in TapeMaster. Select the ''Simple Management'' tab, right click and select ''Add''. ==== Identity Tab ==== Add a description that matches the function or purpose of the rule. {{simplemanagement_restore_date_identity.png}} ==== Options Tab ==== Add in filter values to limit the rule only functioning on the required Volumes. In this example the target is LTO Volumes moving from TRAN to OFFS. {{simplemanagement_restore_date_options.png}} ==== Calculations Tab ==== Set the ''Rule Type'' dropdown box to ''Restore Previous Date''. {{simplemanagement_restore_date.png}} ===== Save Rule ===== Click ''Save'' to commit the Simple Management Rule. ===== Enabling Simple Management Rule For Repository ===== Return to the ''Inventory'' tab. Right-click on the Target Repository and select ''Properties''. Select the ''Options'' tab. Set the option ''Force Simple Management'' to ''True'' and click ''Save'' to update. {{repository_force_simple_management.gif}} {{tag> update_doco simple_management next_move}}