====== Moving Volumes ====== Moving [[object:volume|Volumes]] between [[object:repository|Repositories]] so that they remain in synchronisation with the physical movement of the actual [[object:volume|Volumes]] between locations would be the most important function with TapeTrack. Moving a [[object:volume|Volume]] from one [[object:repository|Repository]] to another involves several processes: * Updating the [[object:volume|Volume's]] Target [[object:repository|Repository]] to place it in a move status. * Scanning the [[object:volume|Volume]] out of the Current [[object:repository|Repository]] (optional but recommended). * Confirming the [[object:volume|Volume]] in the Target [[object:repository|Repository]] . [[object:volume|Volumes]] can be moved manually via drag and drop, using a Barcode scanner, set move dates, synchronisation scripts or a combination of these methods. The method best suited to moving the [[object:volume|Volumes]] is dependent on the number of [[object:volume|Volumes]] to be moved, how the information is received on which [[object:volume|Volumes]] need to be moved and access to hardware such as scanners, keyboard or mouse. ===== Putting Volumes Into A Move ===== Updating a [[object:volume|Volumes]] Target location to a [[object:repository|Repository]] other than its' Current [[object:repository|Repository]] will place the [[object:volume|Volume]] into a move status. The [[object:volume|Volumes]] Target location can be updated: * [[:master:moving_volumes_manually|Moving Volumes Manually]]. * [[technote:excel_import|Excel Data Importation]]. * [[:master:moving_volumes_sync|Via Synchronization]]. ===== Scanning Volumes Out ===== While scanning a [[object:volume|Volume]] out of its' Current [[object:repository|Repository]] is an optional step in the movement process it has the added benefits of * Ensuring the correct [[object:volume|Volumes]] are being moved as any incorrect [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be alerted. * Maintains a more accurate chain of custody as TapeTrack records the operator scanning out the [[object:volume|Volume]] as well as the date and time. * Enables filtering of [[object:volume|Volumes]] that have been scanned out from other [[object:volume|Volumes]] in a move status. ===== Confirming Move ===== Confirming [[object:volume|Volumes]] into their Target [[object:repository|Repository]] updates the [[object:volume|Volume's]] Current [[object:repository|Repository]] to that of the Target [[object:repository|Repository]] . This removes the [[object:volume|Volumes]] move status and verifies its arrival at the specified [[object:repository|Repository]] . [[object:volume|Volumes]] can be confirmed: * [[:master:confirm_volumes_manually|Manually]]. * [[lite:function_reconciliation|Via Reconciliation]]. * [[:master:confirm_volumes_sync|Via Synchronization]]. ===== Move Errors ===== ==== Moving Volumes Back To Current Repository Before Confirming At Target Repository ==== Moving a [[object:volume|Volume]] that is currently in a move status back to it's Current [[object:repository|Repository]] before confirming at it's Target [[object:repository|Repository]] will: * Move [[object:volume|Volume]] back to it's Current [[object:repository|Repository]] . * Set Target [[object:repository|Repository]] to it's Current [[object:repository|Repository]] . * Remove ''M'' (move) flag. * Throw an error ''Update OK but marked for followup''. * Add a ''W'' (warning) [[common:volume_flags|flag]] to the [[object:volume|Volume]] and highlight that [[object:volume|Volume]] in an orange background. The [[object:volume|Volume]] is highlighted with the orange background and ''W'' [[common:volume_flags|flag]] added to allow the operator to easily identify [[object:volume|Volumes]] that have been moved back before Confirmation. This allows the operator to investigate why this has happened and make adjustments to [[object:volume|Volume]] movement processes if required. [[:daytoday:moving_volumes_error_w|Move back error examples]] {{tag> update-doco}}