====== TapeTrack Checkpoint ====== TapeTrack Checkpoint is designed for Tape Librarians. It displays an online list of what [[object:volume|Volumes]] need to be picked and/or put away as it audibly reads out the locations as the [[object:volume|Volumes]] are scanned with a [[barcode:rfd8500|barcode scanner]]. =====Supported Platforms===== * Windows XP and above. {{page>common:support}} {{page>common:security}} {{:checkpoint:checkpoint_simplified.png?700}} ===== Installation ===== ==== Installing ==== * [[checkpoint:requirements|System Requirements]] * [[checkpoint:downloading|Downloading the software]] * [[checkpoint:components|What will be installed]] * [[checkpoint:installing|Installing the software]] * [[checkpoint:firewall|Firewall Requirements]] ==== Testing the installation ==== When the product is installed you will see a TapeTrack Checkpoint icon on the Windows Desktop and shortcuts to TapeTrack Checkpoint in the Windows Start Menu. To test that the program has been installed, double-click on either the Desktop or Start Menu shortcut. No updates will be performed by simply starting the program. ===== Users Guide ===== * [[checkpoint:starting|Getting Started]] * [[checkpoint:advanced|Advanced Usage]] * [[checkpoint:gui|GUI]] ===== Changelog ===== [[desktop:checkpoint_changelog|Checkpoint Changelog]]