====== TapeTrack Lite ====== TapeTrack Lite is a Windows Wizard that guides users with a minimal number of [[object:volume|Volumes]] through the process of [[lite:function_send|sending]] [[object:volume|Volumes]] offsite and [[lite:function_scanning_in|scanning them in]] when they return. =====Supported Platforms===== * Windows 7 and above. {{page>common:support}} {{page>common:security}} ===== Lite GUI ===== {{lite_gui.png|}} ===== Installation ===== ==== Installing ==== - [[lite:requirements|System Requirements]] - [[lite:downloading|Downloading the software]] - [[lite:components|What will be installed]] - [[lite:installing|Installing the software]] - [[common:firewall|Firewall Considerations]] ==== Testing the installation ==== When TapeTrack Lite is installed you will see an icon on the Windows Desktop and shortcuts to TapeTrack Lite in the Windows Start Menu. To test that TapeTrack Lite has been installed, double-click on either the Desktop or Start Menu shortcut. No updates will be performed by simply starting the program. ===== Users Guide ===== * [[lite:starting|Getting Started]] * [[lite:advanced|Advanced Usage]] * [[lite:daytoday|Day to day Usage]] ===== Changelog ===== [[desktop:lite_changelog|Lite Changelog]]