====== Volume History ====== Volume history tab displays all historical records attached to a volume including creation, location movements and user interactions. ===== History Summary ===== {{object:volume_history.png}} Historical events for the volume display summary details on the **History** tab. For each of these events, the date, time type and locations are listed. Types of historical events include: * **Added** - Creation of volume. * **Deleted** - Deletion or Removal of volume. * **Target** - New Target location, volume place in a move. * **Scanned-Out** - Scanning volume out to record leaving current repository. * **Scanned-In** - Scanning in volume to confirm arrival at target repository. * **Scratch** - Scratch status (Z flag) added to volume. * **!Scratch** - Scratch status removed from volume. * **Date** - Adding next move date to volume. ===== History Details===== Right clicking on a historical entry, or double clicking, and selecting ''Details'' will open a **History Details** window. {{element:volume_history_details.png}} This provides a more verbose listing of the historical entry including: * Dates and Times including UTC offset, source time and time zone. * User performing the action including IP, TapeTrack software and operating system. * Next Move date * Volume Flags * Locations including to, from and zone information if applicable. ===== Exporting History ===== To export historical entries, select required entry or range select entries (Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click), right-click and select ''Export'' and follow prompts to export to required file type. {{image}} ==== Export Sample ==== Export historical records to text file. System: TapeTrack Report Description: TapeTrack Volume History Production Time: Thursday, May 10, 2018 - 12:02:18 (AUS Eastern Standard Time) Report Width: 81 bytes Date Type From To ------------------- -------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- 2018-05-10 11:28:30 [Scanned-Out] Library 2018-05-10 11:28:12 [Target][Date] Offsite Vault [000003] Library 2018-05-10 11:06:29 [Date] Offsite Vault [000003] 2018-05-10 11:06:22 [Scanned-In] Library Offsite Vault [000003] 2018-05-10 11:06:08 [Target] Offsite Vault Offsite Vault [000003] 2018-05-10 11:04:57 [Target] Library Offsite Vault 2018-05-10 11:04:52 [Added] Library 2018-05-03 09:04:20 [Deleted] Library 2018-05-02 12:49:28 [Target] Library Offsite Vault 2018-04-19 11:22:04 [Added] Library ------------------- -------------- ---------------------- ----------------------