====== SetHeaderCount ====== Set the number of records after an initial header record that should be considered part of the header section of an input file. ===== Phase ===== This instruction is used by the TapeTrack INI Engine. ===== Syntax ===== ''SetHeaderCount(count);'' ^ Variable ^ Type ^ Description ^ Min Length ^ Max Length ^ Min Value ^ Max Value ^ |count| Integer|Number of records in a header (including the initial header record) as identified by AddString with HEADER argument.|1|10|-214748364 |2147483647| ===== Example ===== Define a header (ANSI page break) with 7 records, skip records not starting with an Integer and terminate processing at the first blank record. AddString(HEADER, 0, "1*"); SetHeaderCount(7); AddString(EXCLUSION, 0, "!([0-9]*"); AddString(TERMINATE, 0, " *"); ===== See Also ===== [[engine:import|Import Engine Functions]] \\ [[cli:sync_fields|Sync Engine Fields]] \\ [[cli:tmss10sync|TMSS10Sync]] {{tag> import_engine sync_engine}}