====== SetVar2File ====== Set a local variable to a file name that matches the defined criteria. ===== Phase ===== This instruction is used by the TapeTrack INI Engine. ===== Syntax ===== ''SetVar2File(varname, filter, field, offset);'' ^ Variable ^ Type ^ Description ^ Min Length ^ Max Length ^ Min Value ^ Max Value ^ |varname| String | The name of the local variable that is to be set.| 1 | 16 | |filter| String | A filter that matches the file that you want to select.| 1 | 256 | |Field| String | The field to pre-sort the selected pathnames before selection (NAME, CREATION, LASTACCESS, LASTWRITE or SIZE).| 1 | 16 | |offset| Integer | The offset within the sorted list to select. 1 is the top, 2 is the second from the top, -1 is the bottom, -2 is 2nd from the bottom.| 1 | 11 | -214748364 | 2147483647 | ===== Example ===== Set variable MYFILE to the smallest text file in C:\stuff. SetVar2File(MYFILE, "C:\stuff\*.txt", SIZE, -1); WriteMsg("The smallest file is $MYFILE"); {{tag> import_engine sync_engine}}