====== AddMoveDateAdjustment ====== Add a specific number of days, months, years to the Next Move Date if a field value matches a filter value. ===== Phase ===== This instruction is used by the TapeTrack Synchronization Engine. ===== Syntax ===== ''AddMoveDateAdjustment(field, filter, years, months, days);'' ^ Variable ^ Type ^ Description ^ Min Length ^ Max Length ^ Min Value ^ Max Value ^ |field | String | The field to compare against. | 1|40| |filter | String | A filter value to compare the field value against. |1|256| |years | Integer | The number of years to add to the Next Move Date. |1|10|-214748364 | 2147483647| |months | Integer | The number of months to add to the Next Move Date. |1|10|-214748364 | 2147483647| |days | Integer | The number of days to add to the Next Move Date.|1|10|-214748364 | 2147483647| ==== Example ==== Add 7 years to the Next Move Date if the Description contains YEARLY # # Extract the MOVEDATE from offset 4, length 10 of the report body. Extract(MOVEDATE, 4, 10, 0); # Set the MOVEDATE format. SetMoveDateFormat("%%d/%%m/%%Y"); # Extract the DESCRIPTION from offset 5, length 100 of the report body. Extract(DESCRIPTION, 5, 100, 0); # Adjust the extracted MOVEDATE by 7 years if the DESCRIPTION matches the pattern *YEARLY*. AddMoveDateAdjustment(DESCRIPTION, "*YEARLY*"; 7, 0, 0); ===== See Also ===== [[engine:import|Import Engine Functions]] \\ [[cli:sync_fields|Sync Engine Fields]] \\ [[cli:tmss10sync|TMSS10Sync]] {{tag> import_engine}}