====== AddRepositoryOnWriteTime ====== Set a [[object:repository|Repository]] value based upon a range of Write Times. ===== Phase ===== This instruction is used by the TapeTrack Synchronization Engine. This instruction will not be invoked by the Synchronization Engine if a matching [[engine:sync:addrepositoryonmovedate|AddRepositoryOnMoveDate]] entry has been used to change the Repository ===== Syntax ===== ''AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(field, filter, time, target, movedate);'' ^ Variable ^ Type ^ Description ^ Min Length ^ Max Length ^ |field| String | A field for comparison.|1|40| |filter| String | A filter to compare against.|1|256| |time| String | Number of hours, days, months and years from the Write Date.|1|30| |target| String | The Target Repository.|1|4| |movedate| String | Number of hours, days, months and years from the Write Date to set the Move Date.|1|30| ===== Example ===== Set the [[object:repository|Repository]] based upon time from Write Date. # # Extract the WRITEDATE from column 10, length 20. Extract(WRITEDATE, 10, 20, 0); #Set the WRITEDATE format. SetWriteDateFormat("%%H:%%M:%%S %%d/%%m/%%Y"); # Extract the DESCRIPTION from column 11, length 100. Extract(DESCRIPTION, 11, 100, 0); # If the DESCRIPTION contains YEARLY and the WRITEDATE is within one day # move the Volume to LIBR and give it a one day MOVEDATE. AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(DESCRIPTION, "*YEARLY*", "0:1", "LIBR", "0:1"); # If the DESCRIPTION contains YEARLY and the WRITEDATE is within one year # move the Volume to OFFS and give it a one year MOVEDATE. AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(DESCRIPTION, "*YEARLY*", "0:0:1", "OFFS", "0:1:1"); Set the Repository to OFFS, based on Volume-ID if last write time is within 7 days ago with no next move date. AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(VOLUME, "SC*", "7", "OFFS", "0"); ===== See Also ===== [[engine:import|Import Engine Functions]] \\ [[cli:sync_fields|Sync Engine Fields]] \\ [[cli:tmss10sync|TMSS10Sync]] {{tag> import_engine sync_engine}}