====== Library Reconciliation ====== Library Reconciliation allows you to physically check the [[object:repository|Repository's]] actual contents and compare it to a current list of what [[object:volume|Volumes]] are listed as in that [[object:repository|Repository]] and create an [[subsystem:certification|Audit Certificate]] including [[object:volume|Volumes]] present, deficient (absent) and surplus (extra). ===== Reconciliation Process ===== ==== Select Library Reconciliation ==== Select ''Library Reconciliation'' from the **Task Menu** and click ''Next'' to continue. {{:desktop:lite_reconcile.png}} ==== Set Options ===== This will open the **Options** window. If required you can set the location for the log files to be written to, or leave the default. To change the default directory, click in the field to the right of the Log File Folder and click on the (''...'') button and select directory. Click ''Next'' to continue. {{:desktop:lite_scan_out_log.png}} ==== Select a Customer ==== Select the account or Customer that you want to manage [[object:volume|Volumes]] for by double-clicking the [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] or left-clicking the [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] and clicking ''Next'' to continue. {{:desktop:lite_scan_out_select_customer.png}} ==== Select a Media Type ==== Select the [[object:media|Media]] type that you want to Reconcile by double-clicking the [[object:media|Media-ID]] or left-clicking the [[object:media|Media-ID]] and clicking ''Next'' to continue. {{:desktop:lite_reconciliation_media.png}} ==== Select a Repository ==== From the **Reconciliation Location** window select which [[object:repository|Repository]] to perform the Reconciliation on by double-clicking on the [[object:repository|Repository-ID]] or by left-clicking on the [[object:repository|Repository]] and clicking ''Next'' to proceed. {{:desktop:lite_reconciliation_repository.png}} If you have performed Reconciliations before on the selected [[object:repository|Repository]] you will be given the option of continuing the previous Reconciliation (select ''Yes'') or starting a new one (select ''No''). {{:desktop:lite_reconciliation_restart.png}} The **Reconciliation Location** window will also display [[subsystem:certification|Certificates]] from previous Reconciliation results. To view these [[subsystem:certification|Certificates]] double click on the ''Time Stamp'' of a chosen [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]]. [[subsystem:certification|Certificates]] contain information pertaining to scope, results and update statistics. On the **[[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] Item List** individual [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] are displayed with a color coded image to quickly identify correct (green), surplus (yellow) and deficit (red) [[object:volume|Volumes]]. ==== Volume Statistics ==== The **Reconciliation Scan** window displays current [[object:customer|Customer]], [[object:media|Media]] and [[object:repository|Repository]]. The main window displays a list of all [[object:volume|Volumes]] presumed to be in the [[object:repository|Repository]]. The right of the window displays [[object:volume|Volume]] statistics including total, scanned, unscanned, undefined (not on list). Scan in the [[object:volume|Volumes]] into the **Reconciliation Scan-In** window using a your preferred [[desktop:scan_window| scanning method]] to record present [[object:volume|Volumes]]. As [[object:volume|Volumes]] are scanned: * Correct [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be recorded and marked off the list by a line crossing off the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] and status changed from [Unscanned] to [Scanned]. * [[object:volume|Volumes]] not on the list will be recorded, added to the list with a status of [New][Scanned] if the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] is unrecognized. * [[object:volume|Volumes]] scanned as a duplicate [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] will increment the Scan Count of the previously scanned [[object:volume|Volume]] with that Barcode and be labelled as [Duplicate][Scanned] . [[object:volume|Volumes]] not scanned will be recorded with a status of [Unscanned]. Any [[object:volume|Volumes]] currently in a move between [[object:repository|Repositories]] will also be labelled with [Moving-In] or [Moving-out]. {{:lite:lite_reconciliation_scanned.png}} When all present [[object:volume|Volumes]] have been scanned close the **Scan-in** window by clicking ''Next'' or ''X''. If any [[object:volume|Volumes]] have a status of Unscanned you will be prompted whether or not to [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] the [[object:volume|Volumes]] as having failed the [[object:repository|Repository]] audit. Selecting ''Yes'' will update the [[common:volume_flags|Flags]] for those [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the database and add an 'a' [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] in TapeTrack TapeMaster. {{:desktop:lite_reconciliation_flag.png}} Updated [[common:volume_flags|Flags]] will not be added to any [[object:volume|Volume/s]] with a current update lock applied to them and error window will be displayed as a result. The error window will display information on how many [[object:volume|Volumes]] were updated and which [[object:volume|Volumes]] are [[common:volume_flags|Flagged]] with error status with an error explanation. Clicking Create [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] will produce a [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] documenting the status of the reconciled [[object:repository|Repository]] for future reference including information on present (OK), absent (Deficit) and excess (Surplus) [[object:volume|Volumes]]. ==== Creating Certificates ==== In the **Create [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]]** window add a Description relevant to the Reconciliation (eg July 2018 Library Reconciliation) and click ''Create [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]]''. To create [[subsystem:certification|Certificates]] you must have [[master:user|Certify Rights]] assigned to your [[object:user|User-ID]] Creation status will then be displayed. To view [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] click ''Certificate Properties''. {{:lite:lite_reconciliation_create_certificate.png}} The **[[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] Properties** window displays: * [[object:customer|Customer]] * [[object:media|Media type]] * Repository * [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] Description * Digital signature * [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]] status * Total items scanned * Deficit items * Surplus items {{:lite:lite_reconciliation_certificate_properties.png}} The Certificate Item List tab displays: * [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] of scanned [[object:volume|Volumes]] * Status of scanned [[object:volume|Volumes]], status options are: * Green tick and OK : [[object:volume|Volumes]] should be present and are present * Red cross and Deficit : [[object:volume|Volumes]] should be present but are not present. * Yellow exclamation and Surplus : [[object:volume|Volumes]] should not be present but are present. {{:lite:lite_reconciliation_certificate_item_list.png}} [[object:volume|Volumes]] can be filtered on the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] and/or Status. To filter insert search criteria under [[object:volume|Volume]] or Status where Enter Text here is displayed. Filter off either whole search term or use * as a wildcard (e.g. to search for Surplus, type Surplus or S*). Search terms are case sensitive. Click ''OK'' to close and return to **Create [[subsystem:certification|Certificate]]** window. Click ''OK'' to continue. ===== Complete ===== {{page>lite:end}} <- lite:advanced|Advanced Functions ^ lite:advanced|Advanced ^ lite:function_volume_management|Volume Management ->