====== Built In Repositories ====== TapeMaster has 3 built in [[object:repository|Repositories]], which are hidden by default. To display the Hidden Repositories, right-click on the required [[object:media|Media]] type and select ''Properties''. Select the ''Options'' tab in the [[object:media|Media]] Type Properties window and set ''Show Built In Repositories'' to ''true''. The [[object:repository|Repositories]] **Initial**, **Next** and **Home** will be displayed in the [[object:repository|Repository]] window. {{:master:tapemaster_repositories_built_in.png}} The Built-In [[object:repository|Repositories]] often do not exist as locations, but are used as settings in the Options Tab of the Volume Properties Window to dictate movements. ===== Built In Repository Functions ===== ==== Initial Repository ==== If ''No Selection'' is set in the ''Default Repository'' field in the Media Type Properties Window's ''Options'' Tab, newly added [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be allocated to the Initial [[object:repository|Repositories]]. {{:master:tapemaster_media_options_default_repository_no_selection.png}} {{:master:tapemaster_add_volume_repository_initial.png}} Any other [[object:repository|Repositories]] may be set as the default location for new [[object:volume|Volumes]] by right-clicking the required [[object:repository|Repository]] and selecting ''Make Default Repository'' {{:master:tapemaster_repository_make_default.png}} ==== Home Repository ==== Dragging and dropping [[object:volume|Volumes]] to the Home [[object:repository|Repository]] places them into a move status to the [[object:repository|Repository]] set as the Home Repository in the [[object:volume|Volume]] Properties Window ''Options'' tab. An example for using this function would be [[object:volume|Volumes]] returning from offsite storage back on-site and needing to be stored in different racks ([[object:repository|Repositories]]). Having the required rack set for each [[object:volume|Volume]] allows you to drag and drop all the [[object:volume|Volumes]] on the Home [[object:repository|Repository]] and letting TapeTrack sort which [[object:repository|Repository]] each of the [[object:volume|Volumes]] belong in, saving you having to separate each group of [[object:volume|Volumes]] for each [[object:repository|Repository]] manually. A [[object:volume|Volume's]] **Home Repository** can be set in the Volume Properties Window ''Options'' Tab. {{:master:tapemaster_set_home_repository.png}} or by right-clicking [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the Volume List, then selecting [[inventory_right_menu|Special Operations]], Modify, and Home [[object:repository|Repository]]. Selecting a range of [[object:volume|Volumes]] allows you to assign multiple [[object:volume|Volumes]] Home [[object:repository|Repository]] in the one operation. {{:master:tapemaster_volume_special_operations_modify_home_repository.png}} Select [[object:repository|Repository]] from popup window drop-down box. {{tapemaster_volume_special_operations_modify_home_repository_select.png}} ==== Next Repository ==== Drag and dropping [[object:volume|Volumes]] to the next [[object:repository|Repository]] places them into a move status to the [[object:repository|Repository]] set as the Next [[object:repository|Repository]] in the [[object:volume|Volume]] Properties Window ''Options'' tab.