====== Container Assignment Utility ====== The Container Assignment Utility allows volumes to be assigned to a Barcoded Container through the use of your preferred [[desktop:scan_window| scanning method]]. Volumes can also be assigned to required Containers by [[:master:scan_volumes_to_container|scanning directly to a Container]] via the Container's properties ''Container contents'' tab. ===== Assigning Volumes To A Container ===== To open the Container Assignment Utility select, from the main menu, ''Tools'' -> ''Container Assignment Utility''. {{:master:tapemaster_tools_container_assignment.png}} This will open the Container Assignment Utility window, which by default, will open the scan input window. {{:master:tapemaster_tools_container_assignment_window.png}} If scanning unqualified Barcodes (ie CONT001 not US01.CONT.CONT001) you will need to make sure the Customer-ID and Media-ID are correct in the defaults of the scan window for both the Containers and volumes. Using your preferred [[desktop:scan_window| scanning method]], scan the Container you wish to assign the volumes to and then the volumes. Any volumes scanned before a Container are in error of the procedure and will be disregarded. {{:master:tapemaster_tools_container_assignment_window_scan.png}} When you have scanned all volumes assigned to the current Container, close the scan in window by clicking the ''X'' at the top right. Click ''Apply'' to execute Container assignment and yes to confirmation. Alternatively click ''Cancel'' and yes to confirmation to cancel the volume assignment to that Container. {{:master:tapemaster_tools_container_assignment_window_apply.png}} Volumes will then move from the **New Contents** column to the **Existing Contents** column. {{:master:tapemaster_tools_container_assignment_window_applied.png}} To assign volumes to another Container click ''Scan'' and follow the above procedure. When finished click the ''X'' at the top right corner to exit the Container Assignment Utility.