====== Adding and Maintaining Customers ====== A [[object:customer|Customer]] is an owner of [[object:volume|Volumes]]. This page details how to Add or Delete [[object:customer|Customers]]. ===== Add Customer ===== To add a [[object:customer|Customer]], right-click on the [[master:customer_tree#server-node|Server Node]] of the [[master:customer_tree|Customer Tree]] and select ''Add Customer''. {{add_customer_menu.gif}} This will launch the ''Edit New Customer'' window. ==== Identity ==== The first tab on the ''Add Customer'' window is the ''Identity'' tab. Enter the [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] and a [[object:customer|Customer Description]]. You can add up to four alphanumeric characters as the [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] and up to forty alphanumeric characters for the [[object:customer|Customer Description]]. {{add_customer_identity.gif}} ==== Contact Details ==== Enter the contact details for the [[object:customer|Customer]] in the ''Contact Details'' tab. {{add_customer_customer_details.gif}} ==== Options==== The ''Options'' tab can be utilized to set specific details about a [[object:customer|Customer]]. These details are accessible at any point by right-clicking the [[object:customer|Customer]], on the [[master:customer_tree|Customer Tree]] and selecting ''Properties''. {{add_customer_options.gif}} * **Hide Customer** when set to true removes the [[object:customer|Customer]] from view in the [[master:customer_tree|Customer Tree]]. * **Disallow Customer Duplicates** stops the duplication of [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] across the [[object:customer|Customer]] [[object:media|Media Types]]. * **Disallow Global Duplicates** stops the duplication of [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] across all [[object:customer|Customers]]. * **Volume Lock** stops any [[object:volume|Volumes]] moving within this [[master:customer|Customer]]. * **Hide No Children** stops the display of this [[master:customer|Customer]] unless showing children or has [[object:media|Media]] defined. * **Allowable Media-ID Filter**, if set, restricts the allowable [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] formats for this [[master:customer|Customer]]. * **Maximum number of Media-ID's** that can be created for this [[object:customer|Customer-ID]]. 0=No limit. * **Holiday Group** assigns a group for [[subsystem:simplemanagement|Simple Management]] calculations of holidays to avoid. * **Customer Category** is an arbitrary number that can be set to group [[master:customer|Customers]] for batch processing. * **Parent Customer** displays the current [[object:customer|Customer]] as a child under the selected [[master:customer|Customer]]. * **Account Number** Iron Mountain (or other third-party) account number. * **Long Barcode Attribute** adds un-hashed long Barcode to selected Attribute. Once you click ''Save'', TapeMaster will open a window asking if you'd like to add some [[object:media|Media]] to this [[object:customer|Customer]]. {{add_media_popup.gif}} If yes is selected, then TapeMaster will display the ''Add [[object:media|Media Types]] for new Customer'' window. Create relevant [[object:media|Media Type]] by changing the ''Create'' option from ''False'' to ''True''. Other fields, [[object:media|Media-ID]] and [[object:media|Description]] may be edited or customized to your required values. The Media Description may be edited at a later point but the Media-ID is permanent. {{add_media.gif}} Click ''OK'' to continue. The next prompt will be to add any required [[object:repository|Repositories]]. Create relevant [[object:repository|Repositories]] by changing the ''Create'' option from ''False'' to ''True''. Other fields, [[object:repository|Repository-ID]] and [[object:repository|Description]], may be edited or customized your required values. {{add_repositories.gif}} ===== Delete Customer ===== To delete a [[object:customer|Customer]], right-click on the [[object:customer|Customer]] in the [[master:customer_tree|Customer Tree]] and select ''Delete Customer''. {{delete_customer.gif}} A [[object:customer|Customer]] may only be deleted when it does not contain [[object:media|Media Types]], [[object:repository|Repositories]], or [[object:volume|Volumes]]. {{:master:tapemaster_delete_customer_error.png}} If you receive this error, for this Customer, delete all [[object:volume|Volumes]], then all [[object:repository|Repositories]] and all [[object:media|Media types]] before deleting a [[object:customer|Customer]]. <- master:user|Adding a new User-ID^ master:starting|Getting Started ^ master:media|Creating a new Media Type ->