====== Adding and Maintaining DR Strategies ====== A Disaster Recovery Strategy, referred to in TapeTrack as a "DR Strategy", is a list of [[object:volume|Volumes]] necessary to restore a system back to a given time in the event of catastrophic system failure. Typically, these DR Strategies are automated through TapeTrack Sync's integration with your back-up software; however, they can be manually created as well. ===== Creating a DR Strategy ===== DR Strategies can be manually created in the DR Strategies Administration Tab by: Right-clicking and selecting ''Add'' or by pressing the **Insert** key on the keyboard. This will launch the DR Strategy Creation window. {{:master:tapemaster_dr_add.png}} ==== Identity ==== The DR Strategy Creation window will prompt for a description and provide tabs that offer the ability to take notes regarding a DR Strategy and also some various options. A full summary of these options can be found under the Edit DR Strategy page. To create a DR Strategy, enter a description and click "Save". The new DR Strategy will appear in the DR Strategies Administration Tab. {{:master:tapemaster_dr_add_edit.png}} Return to Inventory Administration Tab [[view_volume_list|Volume List]] and select the [[object:volume|volumes]] that should be included in the new DR Strategy. Right-click the highlighted items and select ''Edit'' -> ''Copy'' -> ''Volumes''. {{:master:tapemaster_dr_add_select.png}} Return to the DR Strategies Administration Tab and double-click or right-click the newly created DR Strategy and select "Properties" to launch the Edit DR Strategy window. ==== Item List ==== A new tab will appear that was not in the DR Strategy Creation window called "Item List". Select this tab. Right-click and select Edit -> Paste. The [[object:volume|Volumes]] that were selected in the [[view_volume_list|Volume List]] will appear in Item List. If these [[object:volume|Volumes]] are not in a [[object:repository|Repository]] that is set as offsite, their status will appear as "Volume is NOT offsite". {{:master:tapemaster_dr_add_paste.png}} Once the [[object:volume|volumes]] are moved to an offsite [[object:repository|Repository]], the DR Strategy will gain a status of "OK". {{:master:tapemaster_dr_add_ok.png}} ==== Notes ==== The Notes Tab provides an area to write notes about a DR Strategy. This can include emergency contacts, plans, instructions, etc. ==== Options ==== The Options Tab provides four different options that govern how the DR Strategy behaves. * **Depreciated**: When a DR Strategy is depreciated, it is considered no longer active. This means it no longer affects the [[master:library_health|Library Health]] score but has not yet been deleted. * **Expiry**: The Expiry date sets the date for when the DR Strategy is considered no longer relevant or useful. * **Target Repository**: The Target Repository is the [[object:repository|Repository]] that [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the Item List are sent to when the DR Strategy is executed. * **Latency**: Latency sets a certain number of minutes before the DR Strategy is included in the [[master:library_health|Library Health]] Score. Since a DR Strategy is considered to have errors whenever a [[object:volume|Volume]] in the Item List is not in a [[object:repository|Repository]] set as offsite, the latency allows time for [[object:volume|Volumes]] to arrive at the offsite [[object:repository|Repository]] before affecting [[master:library_health|Library Health]]. {{:master:tapemaster_dr_add_options.png}} ===== Deleting a Strategy ===== To remove a DR strategy, right-click the required strategy, or strategies, and select ''Delete''. {{tapemaster_dr_delete.png}} Click ''Delete this Item'' to delete one at a time or ''Delete All Items'' to delete a range of strategies. {{tapemaster_dr_delete_confirm.png}} <- cookbook:simplemanagement|Simple Management Rules ^ master:advanced|Advanced Usage ^ master:upload_files|Uploading Files ->