====== DR Strategies Tab ====== A DR Strategy (Disaster Recovery Strategy) is a list of Volumes necessary to restore a system back to a given time in the event of catastrophic system failure. When a DR Strategy is enacted, the volumes listed will be automatically recalled to enable a timely restoration of data. ===== Right-Click Options ===== * ''[[master:disaster_recovery#creating-a-dr-strategy|Add]]'': Add new strategy. * ''[[master:disaster_recovery#Deleting-a-Strategy|Delete]]'': Delete current strategy. * ''Execute Strategy'': Enact or execute strategy, recalling listed volumes. * ''Modify'' * ''Depreciate'': Depreciate or inactivate strategy. * ''Undepreciate'': Undepreciate or reactivate strategy. * ''[[master:disaster_recovery#Item-List|Properties]]'': Launches the Edit DR Strategy window.