====== Permanent License ====== A permanent license key will allow you to operate the TapeTrack software until the expiry date associated with your license occurs. Permanent license/s to TapeTrack are restricted to those who have a written End User License Agreement (EULA) with GazillaByte. The process of upgrading to or extending a full license involves: * Altering the license values using TapeMaster (If upgrading from a new installation) * Exporting the updated license file to GazillaByte to have a new license key cut * Installing the new license config file (when received) containing your new license key. It might take a few hours to get a new permanent license. If you need a license quickly, please follow the [[master:temporary_license|Temporary License Instructions]]. ===== Obtaining Or Extending A Permanent License ===== If you are upgrading from a free license directly to a permanent license follow the instructions in the [[master:trial_license|trial license]] section, making sure you enter the correct expiry date and not a 90 day expiry date. If extending the expiry date on an already permanent license or upgrading from a 90 day license: Open TapeTrack TapeMaster and login with the user name **tapemaster** (case sensitive) and leave password blank (or use your current tapemaster password if it has been changed) or current user with tapemaster rights. From the menu click ''Help'' -> ''Framework Server Licensing''. {{master_license_menu.gif}} If the menu option **Framework Server Licensing** is grayed out and inaccessible, you do not have sufficient privileges (tapemaster rights) to alter the software license ===== Export Current License Details ===== To preserve current license values, click ''Export license to a file''. If you are close to your expiry date you will receive a warning about a short expiry date, click ''Yes'' to continue. Save the file with a descriptive name (e.g.current_license.cfg) in a known location. {{master_export_current_license.gif}} ===== Update License Details ===== Change the expiry date to the new end date and click ''Apply license changes'' and ''Export license to file'', this time saving under a different name (e.g. license_export.cfg). {{master_license_set_date.gif}} ===== Import License Details ===== To reinstate current license, click ''Import license from a file'' and select the first file exported (e.g.current_license.cfg). Click ''Apply license changes'' to reinstate your current license values. If you have left this process until after your license has expired, rather than import your current license file, clicking ''Get temporary license'' will give a 12 day license to enable you to keep using TapeTrack until your new key is applied. This function only works if your computer has internet access. {{master_license_import_current.gif}} Click ''OK'' to exit TapeTrack License window. ===== Forward License ===== Forward the exported file (with new expiry date) to [[support@gazillabyte.com]] with a subject indicating that you require a new license key. Once a new key has been cut you will receive a new license configuration file with instructions for installation. {{master_email_license.png}}