====== Inventory Tab ====== From the inventory tab you can view where your volumes are, moving to, volume move dates, descriptions (and other Attributes), view library health statistics as well as create reports. ===== Displayed Information ===== ==== Header Bar ==== Customer Description (if customer has no description Customer-ID will be displayed). Media Description (if media has no description Media-ID will be displayed). Time since data has been refreshed with server. {{tapemaster_inventory_header.png}} ==== Main Volume Window ==== * Volume-ID : Unique identifier for each volume. * [[primer:introduction#tapetrack-jargon|Current Location]] : The location where a tape is believed to be, or last confirmed at. * [[primer:introduction#tapetrack-jargon|Target Location]] : Location volume is/should be moving to. * [[common:volume_flags|Flags]] : Volume Flags represent one or more Boolean statuses of a single tape volume. * Move Time : Amount of time the volume has been in a move status. * Due In : Amount of time left until the volume becomes errant or overdue at target repository. * Container : Container ID volume has been assigned to. * Next Move : Date for next move, executed by [[cli:TMSS10MovePending]] and [[cli:TMSS10MoveLocation]]. * Description : Volume description, or extended Attribute based on **[[element:volume_attributes|Attribute Field]]** setting {{master:tapemaster_inventory_main_volume.png?700}} ==== Repository Window ==== Repository icons and descriptions. ==== Volume List Properties ==== Volume Scope List options Library Health Library Statistics ===== Available Functions ===== [[master:moving_volumes|Move volumes]] \\ Confirm volumes \\ Set description \\ set move date \\ [[master:inventory_right_menu|Inventory right-click menu]] \\ [[master:repository_right_menu|Repository right-click menu]] \\