====== Inventory Tab ====== The Inventory Administration Tab is the main access point for Asset Management in TapeMaster. It displays all of the [[object:volume|Volumes]] and [[object:repository|Repositories]] being managed in the selected [[object:customer|Customer]]/[[object:media|Media Type]]. {{right_click_inventory_menu.gif}} ===== Right-Click Options ===== * **''[[master:volume_edit_menu|Edit]]''** * ''[[master:volume_edit_menu|Copy]]'' * ''Attributes'': Copies the displayed [[element:volume_attributes|attributes]] of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to the clipboard. * ''Containers'': Copies the Container ID's (Cust.Media.Cont) the selected Volume/s are assigned to. * ''Unqualified Volumes'': Copies the [[concepts:unqualified_barcode|unqualified Volume-ID's]] (no Customer-ID or Media-ID) of the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''Unqualified Volumes (without suffix)'': Copies the [[concepts:unqualified_barcode|unqualified]] [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] (no [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] or [[object:media|Media-ID]]) without the suffix (e.g. 123456L6 will copy as 123456) of the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''Volumes (Ctrl_C)'': Copies the [[volumes|Volume-ID's]] (including [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] and [[object:media|Media-ID]] ) of the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''[[master:volume_edit_menu#paste|Paste]]'' * ''Attributes'': Pastes clipboard contents into the displayed Attribute of the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''Select In List'': * ''Attribute'': Selects [[object:volume|Volume]] from the inventory using the Attribute values in the clipboard. * ''Volume'': Selects [[object:volume|Volume]] from the inventory using the [[object:volume|volume-ID's]] in the clipboard. * ''Volumes (Ctrl+V)'': When focus is in the inventory window, creates new [[object:volume|Volume]] from the value/s in the clipboard. When focus is in the filter fields, pastes value into the filter. * ''[[master:volume_edit_paste_value|Value by ID]]'' * ''[[master:volume_edit_paste_value|Attribute]]'': Pastes in Attribute values by [[object:volume|Volume-ID]]. * ''[[master:volume_edit_paste_value|Long Barcode]]'': Pastes in Long Barcode value to associated Hashed Volume-ID's. * ''[[master:volume_edit_paste_value|Next Move]]'': Pastes in next move date by [[object:volume|Volume-ID]]. * **''Find''** * ''Notes'': Display [[object:volume|Volume]] notes from search criteria. * ''Datasets'': Display [[object:volume|Volume]] Datasets from search criteria. * **''[[master:favorites_list|Favorites]]''** * ''[[master:favorites_list|Set]]'': Add favorite [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] to selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''[[master:favorites_list#Removing-a-Favorite-Volume|Un-Set]]'': Remove favorite [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] to selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * **''Reports''** * ''[[master:view_attribute_table|Attribute Table]]'': Displays table listing and pie chart of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] Attribute values. * ''Catalog Table'': Displays table of Catalog values. * ''Date Aging'' * ''[[master:view:date_birthday|Birthday]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] birthday or creation date. * ''[[master:view:date_expiry|Expiry Date]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] expiry date. * ''[[master:view:last_audit|Last Audit Failure Time]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last audit failure. * ''[[master:view:last_mount|Last Mount]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last mount date and time. * ''[[master:view:last_move_time|Last Move Time]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last move date and time. * ''[[master:view:last_read_time|Last Read Time]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last read time. * ''[[master:view:last_sync|Last Sync]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last sync date and time. * ''[[master:view:last_write|Last Write Time]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last write date and time. * ''[[master:view:last_update|Last Update Time]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last update day and time. * ''[[master:view:next_move|Next Move]]'': Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] next move date. * ''[[master:generation_dispersement|Generation Dispursement Table]]'': Displays a table of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] based on volume generation (e.g. LTO 4, LTO 5 etc) as well as scratch status. * ''Health Table'' * ''[[master:view:history_rewind|History Rewind]]'': Displays [[object:volume|Volume]] location based on a date or range of dates. * ''[[master:view:history|History]]'': Displays [[object:volume|Volume]] history including location, date, movement, scan and user information of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * **''Special Operations''** * ''[[master:add_note|Add Note]]'': Opens Add Note window to add a note to selected [[volumes|Volumes]]. * ''[[object:volume#duplicate-volume-ids|Check for Duplicate within Customer]]'': Checks for duplicate Volume-ID's within the selected customers other media types. * ''[[technote:volume_home_slot|Capture Home Slot]]'': Sets currently assigned Slot as Home Slot. * ''Confirm'': Confirms selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] into their target [[object:repository|Repository]]. * ''Container'' * ''De-Register'': De-registers, or removes, a [[object:volume|Volume's]] container status. * ''Register'': Registers a Volume as a Container. * ''Purge'': Removes all [[volumes|Volumes]] assigned to the container. * ''Detect missing Volumes in Sequence'': Highlights any [[object:volume|Volumes]] missing from a numerical sequence of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''Modify'' * ''[[master:container_selection|Assign to new/no Container]]'': Opens the Container Selection window to select Container assignment. * ''[[master:data_cluster|Data Cluster]]'': Opens Data Cluster Selection window to assign selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to a data cluster. * ''[[master:generation|Generation]]'': Assigns generation value to selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''[[master:built_in_repositories#home-repository|Home Repository]]'': Assigns a Home Repository value to the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''[[master:set_volume_flags|Flags]]'': Opens the Modify Flags window to add, remove or toggle the selected Volumes [[common:volume_flags|Flag]]s. * ''[[master:next_move|Next Move]]'': Opens the Next Move Date Selection window to set the next move date for the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''Scan'' * ''[[master:volumes#Scan-to-Add-Volumes|Scan to Add Volumes]]'': Opens the [[master:admin_barcode|Barcode Scanning Window]] and add the [[object:volume|Volumes]] being scanned to the selected [[master:customer|Customer]] and [[master:media|Media Type]]. * ''[[master:Scan-to-Select-Volumes|Scan to Select Volumes]]'': Opens the [[master:admin_barcode|Barcode Scanning Window]] and select the [[object:volume|Volumes]] being scanned in the [[master:view_volume_list|Volume List]]. * ''Search Next Move Dates'': Opens Next Move Date Search window, displaying Volume-ID's and move dates based on filter criteria. * ''Show Next Move in Month View'': Opens a window displaying the [[master:moving_volumes|move]] dates for the selected [[master:volumes|Volume(s)]] in a calendar format. * ''Slots'' * ''Find Duplicate Slots'': Searches the current [[master:media|Media Type]] for any slots occupied by multiple [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * ''Support'' * ''[[technote:export_file|Create Export File]]'' Creates a TapeTrack export file to send to the GazillaByte helpdesk to help troubleshooting problems. * **''Special Printing''** * ''[[common:print_barcodes|Labels]]'': Print barcode labels of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * **''Run Command''** * ''Eject [[object:volume|Volumes]] (Netbackup)'' * ''Eject [[object:volume|Volumes]] (Networker)'' ---- * **''[[master:volumes|Add (Insert)]]''**: Add a new [[object:volume|Volume]] to the current ''Inventory'' window. * **''[[master:volumes#Deleting-Volumes|Delete (Delete)]]''**: Delete the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * **''[[master:volume_properties_window|Properties (Spacebar)]]''**: Opens the ''Properties'' window for each of the selected Volumes. * **Refresh (F5)**: Refreshes the displayed data with the database. * **Swap Location (Backspace)**: Toggles the selected Slotted [[object:volume|Volumes]] display between virtual and physical Slots. * **Toggle Warning Flag (F2)**: Adds or removes Warning Flag from selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * **Toggle Move Lock Flag (F3)**: Adds or removes Move Lock Flag from selected [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * **''[[master:confirm_volumes_manually|Confirm (F4)]]''**: Confirms [[object:volume|Volumes]] into the Target [[object:repository|Repository]]. ---- * **''Copy Column''** * ''ID'': Copies [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Current Location'': Copies Current Locations of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Target Location'': Copies Target Locations of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Flags'': Copies Flags of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Move Time'': Copies Move times of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Due In'': Copies Due In times of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Container'': Copies assigned Containers of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Next Move'': Copies Next Move dates of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * ''Description'': Copies Descriptions of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Windows clipboard. * **''Count Unique Values''** * ''ID'': Copies [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Current Location'': Copies Current Locations of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Target Location'': Copies Target Locations of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Flags'': Copies Flag combinations of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Move Time'': Copies Move Times of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Due In'': Copies Due In times of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Container'': Copies assigned Containers of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Next Move'': Copies Next Move dates of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * ''Description'': Copies Descriptions of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and displays unique values in a pie chart and list with totals. * **''Export (Ctrl+E)''**: Export selected [[Volumes]] to file, either PDF, CSV, Excel, Text or XML. * **''Filters''** * ''Clear All (Ctrl+F)'': Clear all filters. * ''Save (Ctrl+K)'': Save current filters. * ''Restore (Ctrl+L)'': Restore saved filters. * **''Print (Ctrl+P)''**: Export selected [[Volumes]] to PDF. * **''Select''** * ''All'': Selects all [[object:volume|Volume]] of current Customer's media. * ''Invert'': Inverts selection of the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] of current Customer's Media * ''Random'': Selects a user set number of records at random. * **''View''** * ''Icon (Ctrl+1)'': Set inventory view to Icons. * ''List (Ctrl+2)'': Set inventory view to List. * ''Report (Ctrl+3)'': Set inventory view to Report. * ''Small Icon (Ctrl+4)'': Set inventory view to Small Icons.