====== Setting A Password ======= There are several reasons to set or change passwords in TapeTrack such as restricting unauthorized access, good security practices or re-instating disabled user. As a password is a secure login credential to access TapeTrack, best password practices should be employed when setting or changing user passwords. If using Active Directory authentication, local TapeTrack passwords will not be referenced when a user logs in (with No MD5 box checked on login screen) but can be used to reset access when a user account has been disabled or revoked. ===== Changing A Password For Current User ====== Open the password utility by selecting ''File'' -> ''Reset Password'' from the main menu. {{menu_file_reset_password.gif}} ==== Setting Your Own Password ==== In the **Password change** window, enter: * your current password * new password * verify new password {{menu_reset_own_password.gif}} Click ''OK'' to update your password and return you to TapeMaster. === Randomly Generate Password === Click the ''Random'' button to enter a randomly generated password into the password fields. This will also open a ''Random Password Set'' window displaying the password value. To aid you recording this password value, you have the options: * Click the ''Copy password'' button to copy generated password to your clipboard. * Clicking the ''Copy message'' button will give you the text " A new TapeTrack User-ID has been created for you to use. You can access this account using the User-ID (Current User) and the password(B@7NpJ%7GR)" copied to your clipboard for convenience when sending a message to the user with login details. * Clicking the ''Email message'' button will open up your default email client with the same text as Copy message. Click ''OK'' to close the ''Random Password Set'' window. {{menu_reset_own_password_random.gif}} Enter your current password in the ''Current Password'' field. Click ''OK'' to update your password and close the ''Password Change'' window. ===== Changing Other Users Passwords ===== If the menu option **Administration** is greyed out and inaccessible, you do not have sufficient privileges (tapemaster rights) to change others passwords From the main menu select ''Administration'' -> ''Group/User Administration''. {{menu_file_group_user_admin.gif}} Right click on the required User-ID and select from the popup menu, ''Management'' -> ''Reset Password'' to open the **Password Change** window. If you don't see the ''Management'' menu when right clicking on a User-ID, please see [[master:set_password:previous|Previous releases method]] for resetting passwords {{select_password_management.gif}} In the ''Password Change'' window to set a known password value, insert new password in the ''New Password'' field. Type password in the ''Password (again)'' field to confirm the password value. {{reset_password_other_user.gif}} Alternatively, if you would like to set a randomly generated password click the Random button to enter a randomly generated password into the password fields. This will also open a Random Password Set window displaying the password value. To aid you recording this password value, you have the options: * Click the Copy password button to copy generated password to your clipboard. * Clicking the Copy message button will give you the text “ A new TapeTrack User-ID has been created for you to use. You can access this account using the User-ID (Current User) and the password(B@7NpJ%7GR)” copied to your clipboard for convenience when sending a message to the user with login details. * Clicking the Email message button will open up your default email client with the same text as Copy message. Click OK to close the Random Password Set window. {{reset_password_other_user_random.gif}} Click ''OK'' to close the ''Password Change'' window and return to the ""User Administration'' window. Update any other User's if required, click ''X'' at the top right of the window to exit back to TapeMaster. It is a good practice to have any user you change the password for to have them [[#Changing A Password For Current User|reset]] their password the next time they logon. <- master:set_license|Setting your license ^ master:starting|Getting Started ^ master:user|Adding a New User-ID ->