====== Modify Flags ====== To modify [[common:volume_flags|Flags]], select the required [[object:volume|Volume/s]] from Inventory list, right-click and select ''Special Operations'' -> ''Modify'' -> ''Flags'' to open the **Modify Flags** window. {{tapemaster_special_operations_modify_flags.png?700}} Expand each [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] from the displayed list that you wish to modify and select ''Add'', ''Remove'' or ''Toggle''. Each [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] value will display how many [[object:volume|Volumes]] (out of the selected ones) currently have (set count) or have not (non-set count) that [[common:volume_flags|Flag]] applied. {{tapemaster_special_operations_modify_flags_set.png}} Click ''Apply Updates'' to save and apply the changes.