====== 90 Day Trial License ====== A 90 day trial license allows a fully functional installation of TapeTrack to evaluate the software to ensure it is the correct tool to manage your backup volumes. The process of upgrading to a 90 day trial license involves: * Altering the license values through TapeMaster * Exporting the updated license file to GazillaByte to have a new license key cut * Installing the new license config file (when received) containing your new license key. To Upgrade your free license to a 90 day trial license: While logged to in TapeMaster as [[common:tapemaster_user|tapemaster]], or [[master:user#options|user-ID with tapemaster rights]] From the menu click ''Help'' -> ''Framework Server Licensing'' {{master_license_menu.gif}} If the menu option **Framework Server Licensing** is grayed out and inaccessible, you do not have sufficient privileges (tapemaster rights) to alter the software license ===== Update License Details ===== In the TapeTrack License window change the default values to your preferred details: ==== Server Details ==== Change ''Owner'' from ACME Corp to your company name (e.g. **GazillaByte LLC**) Change description value to something more relevant (e.g. **Production**) Set ''Expiry Date'' to new expiry (e.g. 90 days from today) Set License limits if required, 0 = unlimited (e.g. Volumes limited to 10,000) {{framework_set_license_details.gif}} ===== Exporting License ===== Once all changes have been made, click ''Apply license changes'' and ''Export license to a file'' to export updated license file with a known name (e.g. 90_day_license_export.cfg) and location. |{{90_day_export.gif}}| Check the information in the config file (90_day_license_export.cfg) by opening in Notepad or similar text editor and check all information has been updated and is correct. If it is not correct, delete the file (do not edit file) and repeat the above steps with correct information. {{license_config.png}} ===== Enable Temporary License ===== From the TapeTrack License window, click on ''Get Temporary License'' to temporarily extend the expiry date until you install the new license key. The ''License Status'' should now display OK. Click ''OK'' to close the TapeTrack License window. {{get_temp_license.gif}} ===== Forward License ===== Forward the exported license file to [[support@gazillabyte.com]] with a subject indicating that you require a new license key. Once a new key has been cut you will receive a new license config file with instructions for importation.