====== History Rewind ====== History rewind function allows you to view your inventory of volumes based on a selected date, or differences in inventory between selected dates. ===== History Rewind On A Selected Date ===== Right-click in the inventory window and select ''View'' -> ''History Rewind'' {{master:view:master_view_history_rewind.png}} From the **History Rewind** window click the calendar icon in the drop-down list to select the required date. {{master:view:master_view_history_rewind_date.png}} Volumes will be displayed, in volume-ID order by default, showing location on the selected date. Volumes that were not part of the inventory at that date, but are currently, will be displayed as **Did not exist** with a red flag icon. The selected date may be changed by either selecting another date from the drop-down list or by scrolling, forwards or backwards, with the arrow buttons at the top right of the window. Results can be [[:general:pattern_matching|filtered]] on each/all columns. Volumes within the list can then be exported to file by selecting the required volumes from the list and then right-clicking and selecting ''Export'' -> and then choosing file type. {{master:view:master_view_history_rewind_date_export.png}} Other right-click options include * Properties - Opens up the volume's properties window. If more than one volume is selected the properties windows will be opened sequentially, each one after the current window is closed. * Download History - Downloads the history records of the volumes selected into a reference table. ===== History Rewind Between A Range Of Dates ===== Right-click in the inventory window and select ''View'' -> ''History Rewind'' {{master:view:master_view_history_rewind.png}} To the right of the drop-down list, check the box **Rewind Between Range** to display a second date drop-down list. Select start date and end date to display volume-ID's, start and end location and whether there is a difference between the two. {{master:view:master_view_history_rewind_date_range.png}} Results can be [[:general:pattern_matching|filtered]] of each/all columns, for example placing **Yes** in the difference column will filter results to only those volumes that are in a different location between the selected date range. Volumes within the list can then be exported to file by selecting the required volumes from the list and then right-clicking and selecting ''Export'' -> and then choosing file type. {{master:view:master_view_history_rewind_date_range_export.png}} Other right-click options include * Properties - Opens up the volume's properties window. If more than one volume is selected the properties windows will be opened sequentially, each one after the current window is closed. * Download History - Downloads the history records of the volumes selected into a reference table.