====== Date Aging - Last Audit Fail ====== Displays a table and bar graph of selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] last audit fail date. ===== Selecting Volumes for Display ===== Select all [[object:volume|Volumes]] by right-clicking in the Inventory window and select ''Select''->''All'', or using shift+click and/or control+click select the range of [[object:volume|Volumes]] required. {{report_select.gif}} ===== Display Last Audit Failure ===== Right-click the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and click ''Reports''->''Date Aging''->''Last Audit Failure Time''. {{reports_view_dateaging_lastaudit.gif}} [[object:volume|Volumes]] and associated information can be reordered by [[object:volume|Volume-ID]], Date or Days since the last fail by clicking on column headings. Clicking on the same heading will change the displayed order between ascending and descending order. {{:master:tapemaster_view_date_age_audit_fail_report.png?910}} ===== Right-Click Options ===== {{page> date_aging_menu}}