====== Attribute Table ====== The Attribute table displays [[object:volume|Volume]] Attribute data in a table format and 3D pie chart. [[object:volume|Volumes]] are displayed in [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] order by default. ===== Selecting Volumes for Display ===== Select all [[object:volume|Volumes]] by right-clicking in the Inventory window and select ''Select''->''All'', or using shift+click and/or control+click select the range of [[object:volume|Volumes]] required. Right-click the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] and click ''Report''->''Attribute Table''. {{right_click_inventory_reports_attribute_table.gif}} The ''Attribute Table'' will display the selected Volumes along with the currently displayed Attribute value on the ''Table'' tab. The ''Description'' tab displays the number of unique description values and the number of instances each value appears. The Pie Chart can be rotated or flipped as required using the mouse cursor and zoomed in and out using the mouse scroll dial. {{attribute_table_chart.gif}} Data in the ''Table'' tab can be filtered by using the TapeTrack [[general:pattern_matching|String Filters]] ===== Table Tab Right-Click Options ===== Right-clicking in the table of the report gives you the options: * ''Properties'' * ''Properties (inclusive)'' ---- * ''Copy Column'' * ''Volume-ID'' * ''Description'' * ''Count Unique Values'' * ''Volume-ID'' * ''Description'' * ''Export (Ctrl+E)'' * ''Filters'' * ''Clear All'' * ''Restore'' * ''Save''' * ''Print'' * ''Select'' * ''All (Ctrl+A)'': Select all [[object:volume|Volumes]] * ''Invert (Ctrl+I)'': Invert selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] * ''Random (Ctrl+R)'': Select a User set number of random [[object:volume|Volumes]] * **''View''** * ''Icon (Ctrl+1)'': Set inventory view to Icons. * ''List (Ctrl+2)'': Set inventory view to List. * ''Report (Ctrl+3)'': Set inventory view to Report. * ''Small Icon (Ctrl+4)'': Set inventory view to Small Icons. Click the ''X'' in the top right of the window to close.