===== Volume Properties Window ===== The **Volume Properties Window** contains information and administrative controls for each individual [[object:volume|Volume]]. It can be accessed by right-clicking on a [[object:volume|Volume]] in the Inventory window and selecting ''Properties''. This can also be achieved by either selecting the required [[object:volume|Volume/s]] and pressing the space bar on your keyboard or double-clicking the a [[object:volume|Volume]] in the [[master:view_volume_list|Volume List]]. {{:master:volume_properties_tabs.png|}} There are twelve tabs in the **Volume Properties** window. * **[[object:volume_identity|Identity]]**: Displays the [[object:customer|Customer-ID]], [[object:media|Media-ID]] and [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] for the selected [[object:volume|Volume]]. * **[[object:volume_target|Target Location]]**: Displays the Repository and [[master:slotting|Slot]] that a [[object:volume|Volume]] is moving to if it is in a [[master:moving_volumes|Move]]. If a [[object:volume|Volume]] is not in a [[master:moving_volumes|Move]], this will be the same as the Current Location. * **[[object:volume_current|Current Location]]**: Displays the [[object:repository|Repository]] and [[master:slotting|Slot]] where a Volume was last confirmed. If a [[object:volume|Volume]] is not in a [[master:moving_volumes|Move]], this will be the [[object:repository|Repository]] where the [[object:volume|Volume]] should physically be. * **[[object:volume_scanned|Scanned Location]]**: Displays the [[object:repository|Repository]] and [[master:slotting|Slot]] where a [[object:volume|Volume]] was last scanned or confirmed. If a [[object:volume|Volume]] is not in a [[master:moving_volumes|Move]], this will be the [[object:repository|Repository]] that the [[object:volume|Volume]] is from. * **[[element:volume_notes|Notes]]**: Displays Notes about the selected [[object:volume|Volume]]. * **[[element:volume_history|History]]**: Displays all transactions that have occurred with the selected [[object:volume|Volume]], including Date, Time, [[object:repository|Repository]] moved from, and [[object:repository|Repository]] moved to. * **[[object:dataset|Datasets]]**: Displays a list of Datasets associated with the selected [[object:volume|Volume]]. * **[[element:volume_attributes|Attributes]]**: Used to set [[element:volume_attributes|Attributes]] for a selected [[object:volume|Volume]]. * **[[object:veriscore|VeriScore]]™**: Displays VeriScore™ information for each [[object:volume|Volume]]. * **[[master:disaster_recovery|DR Strategies]]**: Displays which [[master:disaster_recovery|Disaster Recovery Strategies]] a [[object:volume|Volume]] is associated with. * **[[object:options|Options]]**: Provides a list of configuration options for each [[object:volume|Volume]]. * **Catalog**: Displays Catalog information.