====== Data Cluster ====== A Data Cluster is an arbitrary grouping of [[object:volume|Volumes]] that does not depend on sequential or similar [[object:volume|Volume-IDs]]. They can be used in combination with [[object:simple_management|Simple Management Rules]] to coordinate [[object:volume|Volume]] movements. ===== Data Cluster ID ===== Data cluster ID's are automatically assigned as an index number when created. The index number is non editable and while it can be disabled, it cannot be deleted. ===== Data Cluster Description ===== A data cluster has a description field to allow the assigning of a user friendly text identifiable name. ===== Dependencies ===== ===== Creating a Data Cluster ===== A data cluster object can be created using [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]]. * [[:master:data_cluster|Adding and managing a data cluster with TapeMaster]].