====== Repository ====== A Repository represents the general location of a [[object:Volume|Volume]], such as in a Library, on a scratch rack or at a vault. ===== Repository-ID ===== A Repository-ID is a String of up to four alphanumeric characters and is permanently assigned at creation. Each Repository-ID must be unique within its' [[object:media|Media type]]. The Repository-ID can be viewed in the Repository Properties Identity tab. To open the Repository Properties window, right click on a Repository, in the bottom of the TapeMaster Inventory window, and click ''Properties''. ===== Description ===== A Repository object has a Description field. This allows a user-friendly description of up to twenty alphanumeric characters to be associated with the Repository-ID. The Repository Description can be viewed in the Repository Properties Identity tab. To open the Repository Properties window, right click on a Repository, in the bottom of the TapeMaster Inventory window, and click ''Properties''. ===== Dependencies ===== * [[object:media|Media type]] (parent) ===== Options ===== {{topic>repository_options&nouser&nodate}} ===== Creating a Repository ===== A Repository Object can be created following the instructions at [[master:repository|Adding and managing a Repository with TapeTrack TapeMaster]].