====== Volume Current Location ====== A [[object:volume|Volumes]] Current Location is the last [[object:repository|Repository]] the [[object:volume|Volume]] was confirmed at. If the Current Location matches the Target Location it is also the physical location the [[object:volume|Volume]] should be at. If [[master:slotting|Slotting]] is enabled the Current Location will include the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] allocation details as well. {{object:volume_current.png}} The ''Virtual Location'' panel displays: * [[object:repository|Repository]]. * [[concepts:slot|Slot]] Number allocation. If [[master:slotting|Slotting]] is not enabled, or no [[object:zone|Zones]] mapped to the [[object:repository|Repository]], [[concepts:slot|Slot]] number field will not be displayed. The ''Physical Location'' displays: * The [[object:zone|Zone]]. * [[concepts:slot|Slot]] location The ''Physical Location'' is a physical representation of where the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] is located based on racking parameters, such as number or drawers/shelves and [[concepts:slot|Slots]] per drawer/shelf, to enable users to easily locate the Current Location. If [[master:slotting|Slotting]] is not enabled, or no [[object:zone|Zones]] mapped to the [[object:repository|Repository]], [[object:zone|Zone]] will display as ''No-Alloc'', [[concepts:slot|Slot]] will display as zero. Expanding the lower section ''Update Statistics'' displays information of when, where and who placed the [[object:volume|Volume]] into a move to the Target Location. These values are set automatically on creation of the [[object:volume|Volume]] and are non editable fields. ===== See Also ===== * [[primer:volume_repository|Repository]] * [[object:volume_target|Target Location]] * [[object:volume_scanned|Scanned Location]]