====== Zones ====== A Zone is a specific location where Volumes can be Slotted. Most commonly Zones are shelving units, cabinets, or high-density storage drawers. ===== Creating Zones ===== Zones can be set using the [[master:admin_zone|Zone Administration]] utility in the Administration Menu. {{master:tapemaster_zone.png}} ===== Associating a Zone with a Repository ===== Once Zones are set in [[master:admin_zone|Zone Administration]], they must be added to the appropriate [[object:repository|Repository]]. This can be done under the ''Zones Tab'' in the [[master:repository|Repository Properties Window]]. {{:object:repository_zones.png|}} For more information, see [[master:admin_zone|Adding Zones]] to a [[object:repository|Repository]]. ===== Slotting ===== [[master:slotting|Slotting]] can be done manually or automatically. For more information, see [[master:slotting|Slotting]].