====== Scratch Mode ====== The [[object:repository|Repository]] Option ''Scratch Mode'' allows the automatic setting of the [[common:volume_flags|Scratch Flag]] when a [[object:volume|Volume]] is Confirmed into the [[object:repository|Repository]]. {{options:repository:tapemaster_repository_option_scratch.png}} ===== Scratch Mode Options ===== The Scratch Mode comprises of three options: * ''No Change'' (default) leaves the [[common:volume_flags|Scratch Flag]] status of the [[object:volume|Volumes]] as they are. * ''Scratch'' adds the [[common:volume_flags|Scratch Flag]] (Z) to the [[object:volume|Volumes]] as they are confirmed into the [[object:repository|Repository]]. * ''Unscratch'' removes the [[common:volume_flags|Scratch Flag]] (Z) to the [[object:volume|Volumes]] as they are confirmed into the [[object:repository|Repository]]. {{tag>options repository_options scratch}} <- ^ options:repository | Repository Options ^ ->