====== TapeTrack Reconciliation Report ======
The TapeTrack Reconciliation Report is created by the Command Line Program [[cli:tmss10reconcile|TMSS10Reconcile]].
The program runs in 4 sequential phases:
* **Phase 1** Load of the TapeTrack Scan-Map from a Scan-File.
* **Phase 2** Reconciliation of the Scan-Map.
* **Phase 3** Listing of unreferenced Scan-Map items.
* **Phase 4** Report Production.
===== Report Input =====
==== TapeTrack Customer Status ====
==== Scan-File ====
===== Report Sections =====
==== Load of Scan-Map ====
The purpose of this phase is to load a [[concepts:scan-file|TapeTrack Scan-File]] and resolve each of the a Scan-File Entries into a [[concepts:qualified_barcode|Fully Qualified TapeTrack Barcode]].
As the [[concepts:scan-file|Scan-File]] is loaded, a [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]] is created.
Alternatively, rather than loading the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]] from a Scan-File, the TapeTrack Import Engine can be used to load the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]]. This facilitates loading from Fixed Length Reports, CSV Files and ODBC Data Sources.
The Fully Qualified TapeTrack Barcode can be resolved from an [[concepts:qualified_barcode|Unqualified Barcode]] or an [[concepts:extended_attribute|Extended Attribute]].
System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Phase 1: Load Scan-Map from Scan-File
Production Time: Monday, March 19, 2018 - 10:09:27 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Report Width: 149 bytes
Seq. Record Barcode Resolved As Status Notes
------ ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------ -------------------------
1 1 US04.LTO.000002L5 US04.LTO.000002L5 OK
2 2 US04.LTO.000003L5 US04.LTO.000003L5 OK
3 3 US04.LTO.000004L6 US04.LTO.000004L6 OK
4 4 US04.LTO.000005L6 US04.LTO.000005L6 OK
5 5 US04.LTO.000009L6 US04.LTO.000009L6 OK
6 6 US04.LTO.000010L6 US04.LTO.000010L6 OK
7 7 US04.LTO.111111L6 US04.LTO.111111L6 OK
------ ------ ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------ --------------------------
==== Reconcile of TapeTrack Volumes ====
The purpose of this phase is to list all of the [[:object:volume|Volumes]] that are either in, moving to, or unexpected in the specified [[:object:repository|Repository]].
The following statuses may result:
* **Reconciled** if the [[:object:volume|Volume]] is in the Target [[:object:repository|Repository]], is in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]] and not moving.
* **Reconciled (Confirmed)** if the [[:object:volume|Volume]] is moving into the specified [[:object:repository|Repository]] and is in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]]. The [[:object:volume|Volume]] will be Confirmed into the [[:object:volume|Volume's]] Target Repository in the TapeTrack database.
* **Absent from Scan-Map** if the [[:object:volume|Volume]] is confirmed into the specified [[:object:repository|Repository]] and is not present in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]]. An Audit Flag will be assigned to the [[:object:volume|Volume]].
* **Pending Confirmation** if the [[:object:volume|Volume]] is in a move status out from the specified [[:object:repository|Repository]] and is not overdue at the Target [[:object:repository|Repository]].
* **Overdue at Target** if the [[:object:volume|Volume]] is in a move status to the specified [[:object:repository|Repository]], is not in the Scan-Map and is now overdue at the Target [[:object:repository|Repository]].
* **Unexpected in Scan-Map** Present in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]] but not present at, or moving to, the Target [[:object:repository|Repository]].
Report headings and spacing have been edited to fit information on web formatting
System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Phase 2: Reconcile TapeTrack Volumes against Scan-Map
Report Notes: Repository OFFS
Production Time: Monday, March 19, 2018 - 10:21:34 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Report Width: 169 bytes
Seq Barcode Current Rep Target Rep Move Time Overdue Scanned Status Notes
--- ------------------ -------------- ----------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ----------------------
1 US04.LTO.000002L5 Offsite Vault No Yes OK Reconciled
2 US04.LTO.000003L5 Offsite Vault Library H1:10:39 No Yes OK Pending confirmation
3 US04.LTO.000004L6 Offsite Vault Library H1:10:39 No Yes OK Pending confirmation
4 US04.LTO.000005L6 Offsite Vault Library H1:10:05 No Yes OK Pending confirmation
5 US04.LTO.000008L6 Offsite Vault No No NOT-OK Absent from Scan-Map
6 US04.LTO.000009L6 Offsite Vault No Yes OK Reconciled
7 US04.LTO.000010L6 Library No Yes NOT-OK Unexpected in Scan-Map
-- ------------------ -------------- ----------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ -----------------------
Following the example data at the top of page we have:
* [[:object:volume|Volumes]] ''000002L5'' and ''000009L6'' are referenced as **Reconciled** as they are in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]], and confirmed in the current [[:object:repository|Repository]] (Offsite Vault).
* [[:object:volume|Volumes]] ''000003L5'', ''000004L6'' and ''000005L6'' are referenced as **Pending confirmation** as they are in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]], and in a move from the current [[:object:repository|Repository]] but not yet confirmed at the target [[:object:repository|Repository]].
* [[:object:volume|Volumes]] ''000008L6'' is referenced as **Absent from Scan-Map** as it appears in TapeTrack as at the current [[:object:repository|Repository]] but is absent from the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]]. This shows the [[:object:volume|Volume]] is either somewhere it shouldn't be or is missing and as such is given a status of **NOT-OK** and is given an audit flag for further investigation.
* [[:object:volume|Volume]] ''000010L6'' is referenced as **Unexpected in Scan-Map** as it is present in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]] as being at the current [[:object:repository|Repository]] but shown in TapeTrack as being confirmed at another [[:object:repository|Repository]]. As such is given a status of **NOT-OK** and is given an audit flag for further investigation.
Status strings may be customized using [[reports:reconciliation_tmssreconciletext|TMSSRECONCILETEXT]] variables.
==== Unreferenced Scan-Map Entries ====
This report shows [[:object:volume|Volumes]] that are in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]], but are not known to TapeTrack.
System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Phase 3: Unreferenced Scan-Map entries
Production Time: Monday, March 19, 2018 - 10:21:34 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Report Width: 29 bytes
Seq. Barcode
------ --------------------
1 US04.LTO.111111L6
------ --------------------
Reasons for this error could be:
* [[:object:volume|Volume]] does not belong to you but has been included with your [[:object:volume|Volumes]] by operator error.
* Manually produced Scan-File with a typo on a [[:object:volume|Volume]] ID.
* [[:object:volume|Volume]] added to inventory but not entered into TapeTrack.
==== Reconciliation Statistics ====
This report shows the final statistics for the Reconciliation process.
System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Phase 4: Reconciliation Statistics
Production Time: Monday, March 19, 2018 - 10:21:34 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Report Width: 75 bytes
Metric Count
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Phase 1: Read from Scan-File 7
Phase 1: Loaded successfully from Scan-File 7
Phase 1: Loaded unsuccessfully from Scan-File + 0
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Phase 2: Reconciled 2
Phase 2: Reconciled (Confirmed) 0
Phase 2: Confirmation Bypass 0
Phase 2: Pending confirmation 3
Phase 2: Out of scope 3
Phase 2: Absent from Scan-Map + 1
Phase 2: Unexpected in Scan-Map + 1
Phase 2: Overdue at subject repository + 0
Phase 2: Overdue at target repository + 0
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Phase 3: Unreferenced Scan-Map items + 1
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Phase 4: Total Errors 3
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
=== Phase 1 ===
Reads in [[:object:volume|Volume-ID's]] from the Scan-File, parses them (depending on format) into Customer-ID, Media-ID and [[:object:volume|Volume-ID]]. Metrics are then displayed as the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] successfully and unsuccessfully loaded ready for reconciliation in phase two.
With the example data, all 7 entries were successfully loaded as fully qualified barcodes from the Scan-File into the Scan-Map ready for reconciliation.
=== Phase 2 ===
Status strings (Reconciled, Reconciled (Confirmed) etc) may be customized using [[reports:reconciliation_tmssreconciletext|TMSSRECONCILETEXT]] variables
* **Reconciled** shows number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] present in Scan-Map and confirmed at subject [[:object:repository|Repository]]. \\
* **Reconciled (Confirmed)** shows number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] confirmed into subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] that were in a move to there and present in Scan-Map. \\
* **Confirmation Bypass** (set as an Attribute in [[cli:tmss10reconcile|TMSS10Reconcile]]) shows the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] moving to subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] and present in Scan-Map but not confirmed. \\
* **Pending confirmation** shows number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] present in Scan-Map, in a move status out of subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] and yet to be confirmed at target [[:object:repository|Repository]]. \\
* **Out of scope** shows the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] in the customers inventory that are not referenced in the Scan-Map and are listed in TapeTrack as being not confirmed in, moving to or from the subject [[:object:repository|Repository]]. \\
* **Absent from Scan-Map** show the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] expected to be either in, moving to or moving from the subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] that are not listed in the Scan-Map. \\
* **Unexpected in Scan-Map** shows the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] present in the Scan-Map that, in TapeTrack, are not present in, moving to or moving from the subject [[:object:repository|Repository]]. \\
* **Overdue at subject repository** shows the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] present in the Scan-Map that are moving to the subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] but have exceeded the time threshold to complete the move. \\
* **Overdue at target repository** shows the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] present in the Scan-Map that are moving from the subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] but have exceeded the target [[:object:repository|Repository]]'s time threshold to complete the move.
=== Phase 3 ===
**Unreferenced Scan-Map Items** shows the number of [[:object:volume|Volumes]] that are present in the [[concepts:scan-map|Scan-Map]] but don't exist within the customers target media.
=== Phase 4 ===
**Total Errors** shows the total accumulated errors from the reconciliation process.
==== Movement Aging Report ====
This report shows statistics on [[:object:volume|Volumes]] that remain in a move status after the reconciliation has completed.
System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Phase 4: Movement Aging Report
Production Time: Monday, March 19, 2018 - 10:21:34 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Report Width: 40 bytes
Duration Incoming Outgoing
-------------------- -------- --------
less than 1 day 0 3
less than 2 days 0 0
less than 3 days 0 0
less than 4 days 0 0
less than 5 days 0 0
less than 6 days 0 0
less than 7 days 0 0
less than 8 days 0 0
less than 9 days 0 0
9 or more days 0 0
-------------------- -------- --------
In the example data, these are the [[:object:volume|Volumes]] 000003L5, 000004L6 and 000005L6 which are in a move status (one day) out of the subject [[:object:repository|Repository]] but not yet confirmed into their target [[:object:repository|Repository]].
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